Module Two Honors Assignment

  • Benjamin Franklin Discovered Electricity

    Benjamin Franklin Discovered Electricity
    The actual date of Ben Franklin discovering electricity is not actually known to be exact.
  • The Electric Battery Was Invented

    The Electric Battery Was Invented
    Alessandro Volta created the battery and called it "Volt", named after himself.
  • Electric Motor Was Invented

    Electric Motor Was Invented
    Michael Farady invented the first electrical motor.
    The exact day and month is not known.
  • Electrical Relay Was Invented

    Electrical Relay Was Invented
    Joseph Henry invented the first electric relay in 1835 but the exact date is unknown.
  • First Light Bulb is Created

    First Light Bulb is Created
    Thomas Edison created the first light bulb in 1878. Exact date unknown.
  • The Fuel Cell Was Invented

    The Fuel Cell Was Invented
    Sir William Robert Grove developed the first fuel cell. A fuel cell is an object that combines both hydrogen and oxygen to produce energy. although, the date and month are not known.
  • First Electric Generating Terbine

    First Electric Generating Terbine
    In July of 1887, James Blyth installed one of these turbine to light his vacation home.
  • Solar Power Plant

    Solar Power Plant
    Henry Becquerel discovered the use of solar power by observing that electricity was being produced from the sun while conducting an experiment with an electrolytic cell.
  • First Powerline

    First Powerline
    At Niagra Falls, a power line was built stretching from the United States side to the Canadian side of the border. Exact date is unknown.
  • Geothermal Electric Power Plant

    Geothermal Electric Power Plant
    Piero Ginori Conti invented the first geothermal electric power plant.
  • Hydroelectric Dams were Invented

    Hydroelectric Dams were Invented
    The first hydroelectric dam was built by H.J. Rogers. He was inspired by Thomas Edison's idea of an electricity-producing station in New York. This began operations on September 30, 1882. The dam was located on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin, and used natural energy instead of a generator. It created enough energy to light Roger's home, another building, and the plant itself!