
Environmental Engineer- Health, Safety and Environmental Management

By cwp8638
  • 3000 BCE

    When was is first used?

    When was is first used?
    Early Egyptians first used Environmental Engineering to collect water through pipes
  • 2000 BCE

    When was first waste pip made?

    When was first waste pip made?
    By the Egyptians in around 2000 because they got tired of having that stinky smell all of the time
  • The first upgrade in waste pipes

    The first upgrade in waste pipes
    They were upgraded in the 1600s to be made out of better wood
  • The first mail

    The first mail
    The first mail was created in 1639 which meant that people could send large quantities of mail to one place instead of driving at 1 time and wasting gas.
  • First bridge

    First bridge
    The first bridge was built in 1779 by Abraham Darby the third in Telford
  • Then they were made even better.

    Then they were made even better.
    They were upgraded in the 1800s because they were leaking everywhere so they needed a better material so they used metal.
  • First battery

    First battery
    The first battery was made in 1800 which consisted of Zinc and copper plates with vinegar
  • Ph levels

    Ph levels
    The first indication of ph levels were in the 1800's because they noticed that all of the fish were dying in one area and all of them were living in the other area.
  • First park

    First park
    In 1870 there was an area at Hot Spring Reservation that was created by congress and people were not allowed to take anything from it.
  • Energy

    Energy was first created in 1879 a guy named benjamin Franklin was the first guy to discover Energy
  • Hydro electric energy

    Hydro electric energy
    it was first discovered in Appleton, Wisconsin in 1882 and was able to power 1 home and 2 paper mills
  • First plane

    First plane
    The first plane was created in 1903 by the Wright brothers which caused people to stop using cars as much, and planes back then. weren't gas powered.
  • Water pollution

    Water pollution
    Water pollution is a big thing and wasn't really a big thing in 1948 but then they had a lot of oil being transported and of course that mean more oil spills which let do oil ending up in the ocean.
  • Air pollution

    Air pollution
    The first "big" air pollution problem was in 1948 when an area of toxic waste created a toxic smog which went over many area and kills hundreds
  • First power lines

    First power lines
    They were used in 1952 in sweden
  • The first solar energy

    The first solar energy
    The first use of solar energy was used in 1954
  • Upgrade to power lines

    Upgrade to power lines
    The first upgrade to the already made power lines where made in 1965 on a Hydro-Quebec transmission line
  • First phone

    First phone
    The first phone was created in 1973 and it was helpful to the population because that meant if people wanted to get in touch with others they didn't have to use cars to send mail to places which used gas and polluted the air
  • New York

    New York
    New York made its first land protected area in a park to protect the trees there from being cut down due to mass population in 1988