
Mahatma Gandhi

  • Birth

    At Porbandar, India
  • Marriage

    He got married to 14 years old Kasturba Mohandas Gandhi when he was 13 years old. Together they had 5 children. His family stayed in India
  • Studies in law

    Studies in law
    Gandhi, aged 18, left Porbandar for Mumbai. Gandhi was the first Bania from Kathiawar to proceed to Southampton, England for his Barrister Examination
  • Period: to

    First call to the bar

    He was called to the Bar on 10th June, 1891 , at the age of 22 and was enrolled in the High Court of England the next day. A day later, he sailed home
  • Founded the 'Natal Indian Congress'

    Founded the 'Natal Indian Congress'
    A political organisation established in 1894 to fight discrimination against Indians in the Natal Colony, and later the Natal Province, of South Africa. Founded, it later served an important role in opposing apartheid.
  • Established Indian Ambulance Corp

    During the Boer War Gandhi volunteered to form a group of stretcher-bearers as the Natal Indian Ambulance Corps. Gandhi wanted to disprove the British colonial stereotype that Hindus were not fit for "manly" activities involving danger and exertion, unlike the Muslim "martial races. He raised 1.100 Indian volunteers to support British combat troops against the Boers. They were trained and medically certified to serve on the front lines.
  • First imprisonment

    Awarded two months' simple imprisonment for refusal to obtain registration
  • Leadership of the Indian National Congress

    Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women's rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability, and, above all, achieving swaraj or self-rule.
  • Spiritual Speech

    Spiritual Speech
    Mahatma Gandhi visited London where he addressed a large gathering. The Mahatma's address took place at the Kingsley Hall.
    He called this address as his spiritual message. Here's the famous speech by the Mahatma.
  • Commenced fast at Delhi

    Gandhi's vision of an independent India based on religious pluralism was challenged by a Muslim nationalism which demanded a separate homeland for Muslims within British India. Abstaining from the official celebration of independence, Gandhi visited the affected areas, attempting to alleviate distress. In the months following, he undertook several hunger strikes to stop the religious violence. The last of these was begun in Delhi, when Gandhi was 78.
  • Death

    Nathuram Godse, a militant Hindu nationalist from Pune, western India, assassinated Gandhi by firing three bullets into his chest at an interfaith prayer meeting in Delhi.