
By MelaniB
  • 1 CE

    Before 19th century

    Greek philosophers
    Plato and Aristotle made contributions to the study of language.
  • Period: 1 CE to 2

    19th Century

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    William Jones discovered similarities of languages.
    (Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Celtic, Germanic)
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    1859 (Middle 19th Century)

    1859 (Middle 19th Century)
    Darwin Published the Evolution of language alongside the evolution of species.
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    In the Last quarter of the century

    'Young Grammarians' claimed that language change is 'regular'
  • Period: 5 to 6

    20th Century

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    1857-1913 (Early-to middle-20th century)

    1857-1913 (Early-to middle-20th century)
    Fernand de Saussure shifted from language change to language description.
    His contribution was his explicit and reiterated
    statement that alIlanguage items are essentialIy interlinked and his insistence that language is a carefully built structure of
    interwoven elements initiated the era of structurallinguistics.
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    Saussure died without having written any major work on general linguistics. But his students colIected together his lecture notes after his death. This year was published 'Course in general Linguistics',Which exerted a major influence in Europe.
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    Publication of 'Language' by Leonard Bloomfield's which attempted to lay down rigorous procedures for the description of any languages.
    Bloomfield had immense influence and the socalIed 'Bloomfieldian era' lasted for more than 20 years.
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    The Bloomfieldians laid down a valuable background of
    linguistic methodology for future generations. But linguistics
    aIso became very narrow. Trivial problems of analysis became
    major controversial issues, and no one who was not a linguist
    could understand the issues involved. Then linguistics become an abstruse subject of little interests to anyone outside it.
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    This year was published 'Syntactic structures' by Chomsky, this started a Revolution in Linguistics.
    He was the most
    influential linguist of the century.
    Chomsky initiated the era of generative linguistics that was a so-called transformational one. He also redirected attention towards Ianguage universaIs and regards it as a major task of linguistics to
    explore its make-up.
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    He has directed attention towards the language potential of human beings.
    Optimality theory and corpus linguistics emerges.
  • Period: 11 to 12

    21st Century