Legacy of WW2 Project

  • Germany invades Poland to start WW2

    Germany invades Poland to start WW2
    On September 1st, 1939, Germany invades Poland, starting WW2. Hitler has intended to result in war after his invasion on Poland where he and his army uses the "blitzkrieg" strategy which implements mass bombings in order to weaken the enemies army.
  • Japan attacks US navy at Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks US navy at Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th 1941, Japan uses 353 fighter planes in order to attack US. The brutal attack left nearly 3,000 casualties and massive damage to the navy base. This attack lead president Roosevelt to declare war on Japan and enter WW2 with the allied side.
  • D-Day

    On June 6th 1944, the allied forces lead one of the biggest seaborne attacks in history is order to push back the Germans in France. This was a huge ally victory, causing the Germans to not be able to send troops to France to fight the soviets.
  • US President Franklin Roosevelt dies

    US President Franklin Roosevelt dies
    President Franklin Roosevelt passes away on April 12th 1945. The whole country felt the impact of his death and mourned. Many scared of how the war may end without him. The countries impact full leader had died.
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide, aware of the Germans defeat

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide, aware of the Germans defeat
    On April 30th, 1945, the leader of the Nazi regime, Adolf Hitler, commits suicide after the realization of the Germans defeat against the Allies. This was a huge turning point in the war because it showed that the powerful regime has fallen and had realized defeat.
  • The Nazis surrender to the Allies

    The Nazis surrender to the Allies
    On May 7th, 1945, the German regime officially surrendered to the Allies. This was monumental because it officially ended the Nazi regime and ended WW2 in Europe and a big step to ending WW2 as a whole.
  • US drops the first ever Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

    US drops the first ever Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
    On August 6th 1945, the U.S. made history by dropping the most devastating bomb ever dropped. The Atomic Bomb. This bomb killed over 60,000 people in Hiroshima, most of them only citizens. This was a devastating attack that crippled the Japanese army and basically ended the battle.
  • Japan surrenders to the U.S.and the Allies

    Japan surrenders to the U.S.and the Allies
    September 2nd, 1945, Japan officially surrenders to the U.S. and the allies. This marked the end of world war 2 and the end of the battles with Japan.