Key battles of WWII

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    the German-Soviet pact allowed Germany to invade poland without fear of being attacked by the Soviet army. the battle took place in Poland and Germany won the battle and controlled Poland after the war ended.
  • Period: to

    timespan of wars

  • Britain & France ain declare war on Germany

    Britain & France ain declare war on Germany
    British prime minister Neville Chamberlain announced that if Germany did not withdraw their troops from Poland, they would declare war on Germany. Germany did not withdraw their troops so Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Chruchill becomes prime minister of Britain

    Chruchill becomes prime minister of Britain
    Winston Churchill was appointed British Prime minister again after Neville Chamberlain resgined from power after the outbreak of the war.
  • evacuation of dunkirk

    evacuation of dunkirk
    the evacuation of Dunkirk was also named operation Dynamo. it was the Evacuation of troops in the beaches of Dunkirk. the operation was put into place when a large amount of allied troops were surrounded by German troops, so they began to pull troops out of Dunkirk.
  • Italy enters war on side of Axis powers

    Italy enters war on side of Axis powers
    During 1939 on November 1st, Italy signed a treaty with Germany. this made Italy join in on the war because of their treaty with Germany.
  • France signs armistice with Germany

    France signs armistice with Germany
    France surrendered to Germany in 1940 because France had fallen to the German troops. over run and out numbered they had no choice but to surrender to the Nazi's
  • Battle of britain

    Battle of britain
    Britain and Germany were in a air battle for the controll of the sky in WWII. the objective of the Nazi's was to have complete air superiority, however the British won and stopped the Nazi's from have total air superiority.
  • Trpartite pact signed

    Trpartite pact signed
    the tripartite pact was also known as the Berlin pact. it was a pact (alliance) signed by Germany, Italy and Japan.
  • operation sea lion

    operation sea lion
    this event did not go to plan because it did not happen. it was a plan to invade the UK and was planned by the Tripartite pact.
  • siege of Tobruk

    siege of Tobruk
    the siege of Torbruk lasted for 241 days during WWII. the reason that Germany wanted Egypt was because it was a good place to attack from and Hitler wanted contoll.
  • operation Barbarossa

    operation Barbarossa
    operation Barbarossa was a code name used to invade the soviet union by the Nazi's and axis powers. the operation was driven by Hitler's desire to controll the soviet territories
  • bombing of pearl harbor

    bombing of pearl harbor
    during this event the japanese launched an air bombing on the US naval base located in pearl harbor.
  • Britain and US declare war on Japan

    Britain and US declare war on Japan
    After the bombing of pearl harbor the US and Britain declared war on Japan. it was put into play the day after the bombings took place.
  • Japan take Singapore

    Japan take Singapore
    Singapore was a kajor country in the war as it held a British base. the Japanese found out of the base and decided to invade singapore and take over the base.
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    the Battle of Midway was a crucial naval battle during WWII. the fight was between the Japanese against the British and the US naval armies.
  • first battle of El Alamein

    first battle of El Alamein
    the first battle of El Alamein was a battle for controll of the first western desert. it was btween Egypt and the axis powers
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    the battle of stalingrad was a battle in which the German nazi's and their allies Japna and Italy fought the soviet union for the city of Stalingrad.
  • second battle of El Alamein

    second battle of El Alamein
    the second battle of El Alamein took place at a railway halt inEgypt. it ended with the allies victorious at the end of the war.
  • D-Day landings

    D-Day landings
    the D-day landings or the Normandy landings were landing operations carried out by the Allied power invading Normandy. the allied powers failed to carry out what they had planned to do on the first day so it gave the Nazi's time to catch up.
  • battle of Bulge

    battle of Bulge
    the battle of Bulge was a major campaign and offensive attack set out by the German army. itt was set out and started at forested ardennes regions of Walonia
  • Mussolini captured and executed

    Mussolini captured and executed
    Benito Mussolini was captured and killed along with his mistress Clara Petacci by partisians. he was exectued in a small northern Italy village called Giulino di mezzegra.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Adolf Hitler commited suicde in 1945. before he killed himself he killed his children and wife as well as his dog. he did this so he didnt become a prisoner of war and be killed by people who disliked him and his actions.
  • German forces surrender

    German forces surrender
    The German forces surrenderd to the Allied powers after losing their leader when he commited suicide. All German forces surrenderd all around the world.
  • V.E Day

    V.E Day
    V.E day stands for Victory in Europe day. it is now a public holiday to remeber when the German forces surrendered to the allied powers.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    at 8:15 am a US B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. the bomb dropped by the bomber instantly killed 80,000 people that day.
  • Soviet union declares war on Japan

    Soviet union declares war on Japan
    the soviet union declared war on Japan to keep their promise that they had made with Japan. in 1943 Stallin stated that once the /nazi Germany had ended their fighting the soviet union would declare war on Japan.
  • atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
    After the soviets had declared war on Japan another bomb was dropped by the US, however this time it was over Nagasaki. it was the last major bombing before the Japanese surrendered.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    aboard the USS Missouri the Japanese surrenderd to the UNthis bought an end to WWII. .
  • The UN is formed

    The UN is formed
    the Un, united Nations was formed in Washington when 26 country representives met to form an agreement. the agree ment was to stop the fighting and bring world peace.