
katie shelton: Justin Bieber

  • Justin Biebers birthday

    Justin Biebers birthday
    Justin was born at grossmont hospital in La Mesa
  • Justin started singing and playing intruments.

    Justin started singing and playing intruments.
    Justin has been singing and playing every since he was about two years old.
  • Justin started school

    Justin started school
    Justin is home schooled but in the future he plans on going to either Ceadar Hill in Lawrenceville or St.Michaels college school wich is an all guys school so he wouldnt have to worry about girls attacing him.
  • Justin became famouse

    Justin became famouse
    Justin became famouse by singing infront of Usher one night after a consert and Usher liked him so thats how Justin became famouse.
  • Justins first consert

    Justins first consert
    for Justins First consert he sang with usher and then alone.
    they sang imemphis tenassie.
  • Justins first tour

    Justins first tour
    justins first tour was in New York
  • Justin and Selina

    Justin and Selina
    Justin started dateing Selina Golmez on may 17th, of 2010 most girls dont like Selina because of it but Justin loves her and she loves him to.
  • Justin became a fother

    Justin became a fother
    Justin had his first beutifull baby girl with a girl named Mariah Yeater.