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Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche

  • Birth

  • Statue of Liberty Is Dedicated

    Statue of Liberty Is Dedicated
  • Galveston Hurricane kills 8,000

    Galveston Hurricane kills 8,000
  • Contributed to the construction of the Parisian Railway

    Contributed to the construction of the Parisian Railway
  • Education

    Joseph receives an engineering degree at age 14
  • The Model T is built

    The Model T is built
  • The “Unsinkable” Titanic

    The “Unsinkable” Titanic
    The Titanic is launched a year before her maiden voyage
  • A New Life

    A New Life
    Joseph and his Caucasian wife, Juliette, and two young daughters, Simonne, age 3, and Louise, age 1 get a second class ticket aboard the Titanic. He was going to America to better his career as an engineer and provide for his family.
  • Sinking of the RMS Titanic

    Sinking of the RMS Titanic
    The Titanic sinks at 2:20am along with the 1,500 who died aboard her.
  • Death

    Joseph Laroche dies aboard the Titanic he puts his wife and children in lifeboat 14. Joseph is known to be the only African America abroad.