John Wooden's Life

  • John Wooden's Birth

    Born in Hall, Indiana
  • Marries Nellie

  • World War II ended

  • Finished Pyramid of Success

    After 14 years of research and hard work
  • John Wooden accepts coachign job at UCLA

    Coaches first practice
  • Rosa Parks

    Doesn't give up bus seat to white man.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Beginning of the counterculture
  • Hippie Movement

    Never before seen counterculture bloomed
  • Won first NCAA championship

    First ye used full court press zone
  • Civil Rights Act

    Gave African Americans access to be served at restraunts, hotels, theatres, retail stores, etc. as well as more freedom to vote.
  • Beginning of 88 game winning streak

  • End of 88 game winning streak

    Lose to Notre Dame 71-70
  • John Wooden Retirement

    John Wooden announces his retirement after defeating Louisville 75-74