John Wilkes Booth Plan

By Hoshua
  • Mary Surratt goes to Surrattsville

    She delivers the package with the shooting irons.
  • John Wilkes Booth Receives a Letter

    In the morning of April 14, 1865, Fords Theatre
  • John Wilkes Booth makes a plan

    He orders Powell to kill the secretary and Azerodt to kill the vice president.
  • Booth is at the theater ready to fulfill his plan

    He assassinates Lincoln while he was watching the play.
  • Booth escapes on horse

    He gets past the Navy Yard bridge and his leg is in pain
  • Herold and Powell come Secretary Seward's mansion

    Powell failed to assassinate the secretary of state and Herold runs away.
  • Booth waits

    Booth was mainly waiting for Herold. doesn't really care about anyone except Herold because he was an outdoorsman.
  • Booth and Herold go to Surrattsville Tavern

    They went to get the "shooting irons"
  • Mudd tells Booth and Herold crucial information

    Mudd tells them of another Confederate spy that will help them on their way to Virginia.
  • Booth makes it to Mudd's Farm

    Dr. Mudd helped his broken leg and let him rest for the night.