John Tyler

  • Birth

    John Tyler was born on March 29 1790. He was born in Charles City County Virginia VA. John was born in Virginia to a wealthy political family. His family was friends with former president William Henry Harrison's family so the fact that they ran for president together was no surprise.
  • Period: to

    John Tyler

  • Education

    John attended the College of William and Mary which was the same college the others in his family had attended since it was established. He studied law and became a lawyer by the age 19.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The War of 1812 broke out with the British and John Tyler was very active in opposing the British. He helped form a militia to fight them.
  • Tyler politician

    In this year Tyler resigned from practicing law in order to join Virginia's Governor Council of State. This was his first move toward his political career.
  • Elected to the US House of Reps

    Elected to the US House of Reps
    Technically Tyler began his career in the House in December of 1816 but he won his first official election the following spring when he was elected to a full term in 1817.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    During this time Missouri was seeking to become an official state. However Tyler voted against it because they wanted to become a state that outlawed slavery.
  • The US Senate

    The US Senate
    During this time Missouri was seeking to become an official state. However Tyler voted against it because they wanted to become a state that outlawed slavery.
  • Growing Politicians Tensions

    Tyler opposed many of the politicians of his day as a growing number moved toward federal rights instead of state rights. He helped veto the bill that tried to reopen the Second Bank of the United States and in doing this he joined himself with President Andrew Jackson.
  • A Run for Vice-President

    A Run for Vice-President
    Tyler ran as William Henry Harrison's running mate in the presidential election of 1836 but they were beat out by Martin Van Buren.
  • The next election

    The next election
    Once again Harrison and Tyler ran for office together. This time they beat out Martin Van Buren and John Tyler found himself the Vice-President of the United States of America.
  • The president

    The president
    Only a few months after the election President Harrison died of pneumonia. Tyler became president.
  • The precedence

    The precedence
    Many people argued at first whether or not Tyler should be president but the entire situation paved the way for how the death of a president should be handled. It spurred the 25th Amendment which detailed the actions that should be taken upon a president's death.
  • Impeachment

    For the first time in history the House of Representatives tried to impeach a president. The people were generally unhappy with the way Tyler's presidency was going and they wanted to end it.
  • The Annexation

    The Annexation
    Shortly before Tyler left office he accomplished what he is most well-known for during his presidency the annexation of Texas making it an official state.
  • A Confederate Supporter

    At the beginning of the Civil War Tyler supported the South's succession from the Union saying he supported state's rights. He died a year later and his death was not recognized by the White House because of his support of the Confederacy.
  • Death

    He died after suffering a stroke on January 18 1862 in Richmond Virginia.