John alexander reina newlands

john newlands mcnesse 3

  • birth

    born in london
  • law of octaves

    propesed the law of octaves, law stated that the element exhibits behavoir
  • relation ship traits

    dobereiners work focused on the realtionship traits .the next major step toward entermining the patters in the chemisty of the elements was taken by john newlands
  • hes wrong?

    his grouping of of elements appeared to be wrong
  • periodic table arrangement

    periodic table arrangement
    firts person to device a periodic table of elemenrts arranged in order by atomic weight.
  • table incomplete

    the table turned up to be incomplete that was he done in 1904
  • death

  • law of octaves edited

    he published he law of ocaves that states the any given element is exhibit anoalogues behavior to eight element following it in the table.