John Lennon

  • John Lennon is born

    John Lennon is born
    John Lennon is born in Liverpool, England to Julie and Alfred Lennon.
  • Forming the Quarymen

    Forming the Quarymen
    John Lennon formed his first band known as the Quarrymen. The band then consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCarthy, George Harrison and Stuart Stucliffe.
  • Concert at Hamburg, Germany

    Concert at Hamburg, Germany
    During a concert in Hamburg,Germany the group's line up would change as their then drummer Pete Best was replaced with Ringo Starr. The group's bass player Stuart Stuclifee also left the group and so Paul McCarthy took over as bass player. Finally, the now Beatles would met their manager Brian Epstein.
  • Mainstream Success

    Mainstream Success
    The Beatles became renown worldwide through their first television appearance in The Ed Sullivan Show. The had already achieve success in the UK but their appearance in television grander them huge success and started "beatlemania" worldwide.
  • Voyage to India

    Voyage to India
    After the success of the album known as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band, Lennon and the rest of the Beatles felt creatively drained. On the suggestion of Harrison, Lennon and the group decided to make a pilgrimage to India and study transcendental meditation under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
  • Lennon Leaves the Beatles

    Lennon Leaves the Beatles
    John Lennon leaves the Beatles. He cites being being frustrated at being recognized solely as a Beatle and disagreements within the group. The Group has one more concert at the top of their recording studio's roof.
  • Lennon is Assassinated

    Lennon is Assassinated
    John Lennon was murder by man named Mark David Chapman who had prior to the attack asked Lennon to sign an autograph of his album Double Fantasy.