
John Hancock

  • John Hancock

    John Hancock
    John Hancock was born.
  • John Hancock was five

    John Hancock was five when he stared going to mrs.blenchers country school
  • thomas Hancock

    thomas Hancock
    Thomas Hancock adopted John Hancock
  • John was thirteen

    When John was thirteen he strared harvard college
  • John yoind the sons of liberty

    John yoind the sons of liberty
  • John block the way of two customs agents

    1768 John block the way of two customs agents
  • king gorge officialy named John enemigs

    1774 king gorege officaly named John Hancock and samual adams enemigs
  • The siguture

    The siguture
    on july 4, 1776 congretion proved the celebration of independens ,John`s singuture was the bigges and it was in the middle of all the seguture he did it like that because he wated king gorge to see the siguture with out his glasses
  • John admired gorge washinton

    John admired gorge washinton that he named his son after him
  • John died :-(

    John died :-(
    on octuber 8, 1793 John hancock died