Chemistry atom proton electron animation 17

Jocelyn James

  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John Dalton had made an atomic theory called Dalton's Atomic Theory. Basically his ideas form the atomic theory of matter. He had thought that all elements are made of atoms and that it is impossibl to split up an atom. He aslo believed that atoms of the same element were similiar and that atoms of different elements were different. His last idea was that atoms of different may not be the same, but combine to from compounds.
  • J. J. Thompson

    J. J. Thompson
    An English scientist, J. J. Thompson discovered the electron. He discovered the electron while he was experimenting with the gas discharge tubes. Not knowing he was going to discover the electron, Thompson noticed an odd movement in the tubes. He then titled this different movement the cathode rays. He made an observation the rays moved from the negative end of the tube to the positive side of the tube, therefore the rays were made from negatively charged particles called electrons.
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford

    Lord Ernest Rutherford
    Commonly known for his gold experiment, Rutherford changed the way scientists looked at an atom. His experiment showed atoms are mostly empty spaced and are made of postively charged nucleuses. His experminet is described in the following link. -> -> ->
  • Neil Bohr

    Neil Bohr
    Neil Bohr, a Danish physicist, was first taught science and technology after apprenticing J.J. Thompsom. His model was said to resemble the solar system and was nicknamed the planetary model. It got its name because "planets orbit around the sun," just how the electrons orbit the nucleus.
  • Democritus

    Democritus was a Greek philosopher who is well known for coming up with idea that matter is made of tiny, indestructible atoms. His ideas however were rejected since he had no scientific equipment to test his theory with. Democritus atomic model is a sphere.