Jason's timeline

  • 200

    440 BC - Democritus

    440 BC - Democritus
    He thought that you would eventually end up with a particle that can not be cut, He called this particle"atom."
  • 200

    382 BC - Aristotle

    382 BC - Aristotle
    He disagreed with Democritus. He thought you would never get down to a particle you could not cut. He was incorrect
  • late 1700's - Dalton

    late 1700's - Dalton
    He thought that all substances are made up of atoms. Atoms of the same element are exactly alike. Atoms can join with others to make new substanes.
  • 1897 - JJ Thomson

    1897 - JJ Thomson
    His theory showed mistakes in Dalton's theory. Discovered small particles inside the atoms. He discovered negatively charged particles and called them elecrons. (Plums in the plum pudding)
  • 20th century - Schrodinger and Heisenberg

    20th century - Schrodinger and Heisenberg
    Futher explained the movement of electrons in the atom. Electron Clouds
  • 1909 - Rutherford

    1909 - Rutherford
    He did the Foil experiment
  • 1911 - Rutherford

    1911 - Rutherford
    He proposed that in the center of the atom was a tiny, extremely dense, positively charged part called the nucleus.
  • 1913 - Bohr

    1913 - Bohr
    He proposed that the electrons move around the nucleus in certain paths, or enery levels