
Jan 25th

  • Kokichi Mikimoto Born

    Kokichi Mikimoto Born
    Kokichi Mikimoto became a Japanese Pearl Farmer as his career. Google Images
  • Ernie Harewell Born

    Ernie Harewell Born
    Ernie Harewell becamea baseball sportscaster as his career in life. Google Images
  • Speedy West Born

    Speedy West Born
    Speedy West became an american musician. Google Images
  • Dean Jones Born

    Dean Jones Born
    Dean Jones became an american actor for his career. Google Images
  • Battle of the Bulge Ends

    Battle of the Bulge Ends
    In World War II, a battle against the americans and Germans ended. Wikipedia
  • Pope Gregory IV Dies

    Pope Gregory IV Dies
    On this date Pope Gregory IV died, but before this event, he supproted a man named Lothair trying to make peace. Wikipedia, Google Images