Jaime Garzon in english

  • was born on October 24, in Bogotá

    was born on October 24, in Bogotá
  • primary study at the "Seminario Conciliar de Bogotá" in Colombia

  • I study Baccalaureate at the Colegio de la Universidad Libre

  • He was a university student of LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCES at the National University of Colombia

    He was a university student of LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCES at the National University of Colombia
  • participated in the "noticiero de las 7"

    participated in the "noticiero de las 7"
  • He was minor mayor of Sumapaz

    He was minor mayor of Sumapaz
  • MASTER'S DEGREE IN POLITICAL SCIENCES at the Javeriana University

  • I work in the house of Nariño in Colombia

  • appears on television on the "zoociedad" channel

    appears on television on the "zoociedad" channel
  • appearance in "Quac!" The Newscast

  • they murdered him while driving

    they murdered him while driving