Jacobs Rescue

By 204315
  • Passover jacob starts story about childhood

    Passover jacob starts story about childhood
    Passover the last day Alex Mela are there celebrating it with them when Jacobs daughter asks him about his childhood
  • Jacob moves to alex's house

  • Jacob moves to Alex's house and meets his kids

  • creates a hiding place for Jacob

    creates a hiding place for Jacob
  • Nazis potrol the house

  • The roslens move to there second house

  • Sholom comes

  • Sholom dies of scarlet fever

  • Doctor checks all children of scarlet fever

  • Jacob gets scarlet fever

  • they get to the hospital and get Jacobs surgery

    they get to the hospital and get Jacobs surgery
  • Alex gets a new home

  • David comes

    David comes
  • Yurek dies from nazis

    Yurek dies from nazis
  • They move to their 3rd house and the ghetto blows up

    They move to their 3rd house and the ghetto blows up
  • The folks blame Alex for being a jew

  • The War ENDS

    The War ENDS