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Jack johnson

  • A Legend is born

    A Legend is born
    Jack Johnson was born on 3/31/1878 in Galveston, Texas.
  • Debut

    Jack Johnson had his first fight in November 1st 1898 against Charley brooks. He knocked Charley Brooks out in the second round.
  • Racism

    Jack Johnson experienced lots of racism because he was a black boxer. Boxing was very segregated in the early 1900's.
  • Champion

    Jack Johnson was the first black heavyweight champion.
  • Riots

    In 1910 a whit boxer came out of retirement to beat Johnson. Johnson won the fight so the white boxer felt humiliated and started attacking black people who celebrated Jack Johnson.
  • The end

    The end
    Jack Johnson died at the age of 68. He died in a car crash in north Carolina