Industrial revolution


  • Immagration boom

    Immagration boom
    The immagration started to boom when poverty other countrys and new opportunity started in America .
    Most of the Immigrants who came to America came through Ellis ilsand.The Immigrants went through the naturalization process.
  • Irland and Germany

    Irland and Germany
    People immigrated to the U.S from Irleand because familys from Ireland were poor.
    Immigrants from Germany because there was political upheavalin the country. There was about 5 million immigrants immigrating at this time.
  • Wave of immigrants

    Wave of immigrants
    Immigrants from Italy, Nordic countries, Eastern Europe, China, and Japan all immigrated to the U.S between 1880 and 1910.
    300,000 Chines people immigrated to the U.S because of the Opiam war in China.
    90,000 Japanese immigrated to the U.S because of economic depress in Japan.
  • The Chinese exclusion act on 1882

    In scociety many immigrants were prejudiced from American culture. Many Chinese people were excluded because American people didn't think they were adjusting to American culture. This was the Chinese exclusion act of 1882
  • Period: to

    The Start of Industry

    The start of America industrializing.
  • When it all started

    When it all started
    The industrial revolution is when the U.S changed dramaticly after the civil war. Buisness its self changed this time by holding trusts and holding companies. It is the transformation of agricultural society to a buisness economy. Mass production started at this time which includes division of labor which divided job between many different workers,
  • Captains and Robbers

    Captains and Robbers
    Many people died because of unsafe working conditions...but there was a good side captains of industry gave money to the workers familys that died, than captains of industry helped shape the economy in a good way. While robber barons would scam the economy,raise prices and treat workers poorly in extremely bad conditions.