
Interwar Period and WW2

  • FDR declines London Economic Conference

    Meeting of 66 nations to win agreement of measures to fight global depression, revive international trade, and stabalize currency exchange rates. FDR did not attend, as he did not want this agreement to lock the United States in an agreement which would not be beneficial to it. It signified growing isolationism.
  • US recognizes the Soviet Union

    FDR formally recognizes the soviet union as a nation, surprising because communism was unpopular in the United States. He sought to check the power of Germany and Japan. The significance was that it was not an isolationist move, which was atypical for the time.
  • FDR declared Good Neighbor Policy

    FDR disapproved of the "Big Stick" policies of the past towards Latin America. Seeking to become friendlier with Latin America, FDR adopted the Good Neighbor Policy, removing the Marines from Hati and anulling the Platt Amendment. The impact of this policy was better relations with Latin America and in turn more isolationist as US largely ignored Latin America from then on.
  • Tydings-McDuffie Act

    AKA Philippine Indpendence Act
    Provided self-governement for the Philipines and independence after 10 years. This was significant because the US was typically very reluctant to let go of the Philipines. The overall significance was an increase in isolationism because we were no longer involved in the overseas Philipines.
  • Reciprocal Trade Agreement

    Tariff agreements between the US and separate nations, partiuclarly Latin America. This generally lowered tarifff rates, allowing an increase in trade and the lowering of other nation's high tariff rates. The signifance of this event includes recovery from the depression, as the increase in trade allowed for some cashflow within the US.
  • US Neutrality Act of 1935

    Imposed a general embargo on arms and war materials for all parties involved in war. Significance was an increase in isolationism, and proof of the "at any cost" theory. This was also accompanied by a "moral embargo." First enacted after Italy's invasion of Ethiopia.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Signifance: proved the invalidity of the League of Nations and essentially began the start of the invasions of WW2
  • US Neutrality Act of 1936

    Renewed the 1935 act for an additional 14 months, forbade all loans or credits to any belligerants. Did not include civil wars or trucks and oil, leading to much aquired debt though the loopholes. Also, this was a deeper set into isolationism and essentially doomed the Spanish republic.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Fought between the republican and fascist groups. Becasue the US continued to trade with Spain, the fascists were able to purchase much more supplies and easily overcame the republicans. The lack of Amrican aid to the republic doomed them.
  • US Netrality Act of 1937

    Neutrality acts now covered civil wars, dooming spain.
    "Cash and Carry" allowed the sale of supplies as long as the purchaser shipped them. Significant becasue it favored Britian and France and was a major step away from neutrality.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan invaded China in 1937, sparking what would eventally be called the Pacific war. This is significant because it was one of the first major invasions of WW2 and it solidified the imperialistic goals of Japan.
  • Panay Incident

    The USS Panay was an American ship sunk off the coast of China by the Japanese. Becasue the US and Japan were not at war at the time, they paid an indemnity and quickly apoligized. This was significant becasue this was the start of US aprehension towards Japan, and the start of Americans being tortured in China.
  • Hitler Seizes Austria

    Hitler finally annexed Austria after essentially bullying the Austrian Chancellor to resign and allow Germany to enter without resistance. This is significant becasue it marked German agression and imperialism.
  • Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference and subsequent agreement was signed by the UK, Italy, Germany, and France. It reliqueshed the "sudetenland" of Czechosolvakia to Germany, in an effort of UK and France to appease and hopefully stop the German imperialistic campaign. This was a significant loss for Czechosolvakia because the sudentenland contained many valuable defensive bases and it didn't even stop Hitler and his future invasions.
  • Hitler siezes all of Czecholovakia

    Germany violated the Munich agreement and continued on to claim all of Czecholsolvakia. Because Czecholsolvakia was a poorly defended nation, it fell easily. This event proved to the world that Germany would not be appeased, and would continue its conquests.
  • WW2 begins in Europe with Hitler's invasion of Poland

    In a little over a month, Germany and the Soviet Union would control and divide Poland. This event was enabled by the Nazi-Soviet Pact, signed into effect only a week before. This event is very significant, considering that it offically started WW2.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    This was a non-agression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. This pact was a huge event because it essentially freed Germany from the threat of a Soviet invasion, giving them the go-ahead to invade Poland. Allso, Germany would violate this agreement, not trusting the Soviet Union any longer.
  • US Neutrailty Act of 1939

    Essentially ended arms embargo and renewed the "Cash and Carry" policy. Repealed the previous neutrality acts and banned American Ships from entering certain waters. Significant becasue it Highly favored Britian and France, and was a major step away from isolationism.
  • Fall of France

    France, one of the leading allies, falls to Germany. This event marked the turing point in US neutrality, making them question if the war can be won without them. Because France fell so easily, the US started to prepare for war.
  • Battle of Britian

    The Battle of Britian was the first air-only battle. The battle occured over a 3 month period, during which Germany attempted to overthrow Britian as the superior air-force. The subsequent German loss marked the first major loss for the Germans, and forced them to abandon the planned ground invasion of Britian.
  • Destroyer deal with Britian

    The United States, though offically still neutral, traded 50 old WW1-era warships to Britian in exchange for 8 strategic bases. This was significant because it was definately not neutral.
  • US invokes first peactime draft

    Fearing that it would soon be needed, the US invoked it's first peactime draft. This was prompted by the fall of France to Germany. Initally it limited the number of draftees and their time of service, but was amended once the war began. This event marks the start of the US preparation for war, the end of neutrailtity, and essentially the start of WW2 for Americans.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Exchanged American goods for free (essentailly) to the Allied nations only. Offically, the hardware was on lease, though it was repaid through the temporary lease of overseas bases to US. This marked, to Hitler, "an unofficial declaration of war."
  • Hitler attacks Soviet Union

    Perceiving the communist giant as a threat to German superiority and violating the previous non-agression pact, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. This is significant because the Soviet Union began to fight against Germany and not with it or at not at all.
  • Fair Employment Practices Commission established

    This committee was designed to curb descrimination in the hiring process by banning racial descrination. It is significant because it procteced black workers and helped built the workforce for WW2.
  • Atlantic Conference

    Meeting between Britian and United States, which outlined the goals of the countries after the war. IIt included statements such as no territorial gains and had 8 points. Eventually all of the allies agreed to it. It was important because it essentially guarenteed US involvement in the war, and was certainly not a neutral act.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    This direct attack on the United States caused the US to declare war on Japan, and marked the offical start of WW2 for the United Sates. It also increased distrust of Japanese-Americans in America, leading to their persecution.
  • US decalres war on Japan

    As a direct result of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US offically decares war. This marked the offical entry of the US into WW2.
  • Germany declares war on the US

    Pressured by Japan and fearing the US would declare war first, Germany declared war on the US. They falsely belived that Japan would eaisly defeat the US and could subsequently help Germany fight Russia. This action brought the US into european conflict.
  • Japanese-Americans interned

    The forced internement of Japanese-Americans was the height of prejudice in America. This is significant because it was a major violation of basic human and constitutional rights, but the governement and supreme court both encouraged it.
  • Japan conqers the Phillippines

    After attacking the US, Japan conqured the Phillipines in just 5 months. This is significant because the Phillipines used to be US possessions, and we still had some troops in the Phillipines at the time. General MacArthur fled the Phillipines for Australia. Also, Japan used the Phillipines as a last line of defense.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    First major battle between japan and the US (and Australia). All aircraft carriers, not ship on ship. This weakened the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet enough to allow for an American victory at Midway, the turning point of the pacific front.
  • Battle of Midway

    This was a naval battle between the US and Japan, resulting in the first naval loss for the Japanese navy since 1863. This was hugely significant, as it marked the turning point in the Pacifici theater in favor of the Allies.
  • US invades North Africa

    As part of opening a second front on the German line, the US and Britian invaded the "soft underbelly" of Germany and Italy - Africa. This campagin was hard fought, but successfull, marking the start of the end for Germany.
  • Casablanca Conference

    This conference was a meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill (and others) to establish the Allied game plan. This conference resulted in adopting the "unconditional surrender" plan. This is very significant because unconditonal surrender idea leads to almost total distruction of the Axis.
  • Japanese driven from Guadalcanal

    As part of the Island Hopping campaign, the Americans successfully drove the Japanese from the Guadalcanal region. This was a major battle because the US was no longer fighting defensively, but rather strategically offensive.
  • Allies invade Italy

    The allied invasion of Italy is significant because it was a major move agianst the Axis powers. Becasue popularity of the war was waning in Italy, the Allies thought that they could more eaisly invade. This is significant becasue it is that start of the Italian campagin, which would overall result in an Allied victory over Italy.
  • Teheran Conference

    The teheran conference was one of the first major meetings between the big three, and resulted in a few things. Firstly, the western allied powers agreed to open up a second front of war. Secondly, they recognized Iran's independence. This was importatnt because it started the second front on Germany, leading to its eventual demise.
  • D-Day invasion of France

    Descisive allied victory allowed them to gain a foothold in germany from which they could continue to expand.
  • Battle of Marianas

    This was a desisive naval victory for the US, and it was significant becasue it eliminated Japan's abiliity to carry out large-scale carrier attacks from this point onward.
  • Battle of the Buldge

    This failed German offensive was significant because the Germans had every advantatage - surprise and weather. This was a descisive allied victory, furthur diminishing the German war machine.
  • Korematus v. US

    Landmark Supreme Court case, in which the Supreme Court upholds the relocation of Japanese-Americans to internment camps. This is very significant as it highlighted the hatred that had grown between Americans.
  • Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa

    These two Battles were fought fiercely over several months. The casualties sustained by the Japanese were heavy. This led to the eventual fall of the Japanese.
  • Roosevelt dies; Truman assumes Presidency

    This is hugely significant because FDR was very well loved, and had been president for 4 terms.
  • Potsdam Conference

    This conference was a meeting between the US, UK, and USSR. They met to establish post-war order, peace treaties, and counter the effects of the war. This was significant becasue it occured after Germany had unconditionally surrendered and determind its fate.
  • Atomic Bombs Dropped

    The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a huge event in the history of WW2, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in the History of the world. This was hugely significant because it is arguably the cause of Japanes surrender.
  • Japan Surrenders

    The Japanese surrender marked the end of WW2!