Imre Lakatos Born: November 9, 1922 died Feb 2, 1974 in London

  • Imre Lakatos was born as Imre Lipschitz on Nov 9, 1922 in Bebrechan, Hungary

    Imre Lakatos was born as Imre Lipschitz on Nov 9, 1922 in Bebrechan, Hungary
  • Graduated in Mathematics, physics, and philosophy.

    Graduated in Mathematics, physics, and philosophy.
    He completed his preliminary education from the University of Debrechan in Hungary in 1944.
  • Becomes a senior official.

    Becomes a senior official.
    He was an active communist during WWII and took up work in the Hungarian Ministry of Education.
  • Recieves PhD.

    Continues his academics and recieves his PhD. From Debrechan in 1948.
  • Goes to Jail.

    Goes to Jail.
    He got himself in political trouble in 1950, as he became more rebellious against Russian oppression. Failed to follow Russian orders and was arrested and imprisoned for three years.
  • Lakatos's major contribution to Philosophy of science.

    Lakatos's major contribution to Philosophy of science.
    Lakatos's pictures the scientist as having to make a subjective judgement call on whether his programme is merely a temporary delay or is it truly failing. A scientist's theory choice is no more dictated by scientific "rationality" than the decision to change paradigms using Kuhn's methods! This was the very problem Lakatos regarded as making Kuhn's methods unacceptable .For this reason, its scientific rationality has failed!
    Video on Lakatos
  • Imre Lakatos dies. RIP

    Imre Lakatos dies. RIP
    Imre Lakatos dies Feb 2 1974 of a heat attack at the age of 51, leaving his projects in Philosophy of mathematics and science unfinished.
  • Lakatos students write 2 books

    Gregory Curie and John Worral write two books called "Lakatos 1978s" and "Lakatos 1978b."
  • Lakatos's "Philosophical Papers" published

    Lakatos's "Philosophical Papers" published
    In 1978 the "Philosophical Papers" of Lakatos were published post mortem.
  • Lakatos has award created in his name.

    Lakatos has award created in his name.
    In 1986 the London School of Economics created an award in his name which is given to candidates making an exceptional contribution to the Philiosophy of Science.