Immigration Timeline for GCU113_kolken

By kolken
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Arizona Explored

    Arizona Explored
    Marcos Di Niza was a Spanish explorer who was the first to visit "Arizona". He went to the territory looking for a mythical river, but instead claimed the land for Spain.
  • Tubac, Arizona

    Tubac, Arizona
    Tubac Arizona is a Spanish settlement. It is located on "the Royal Road" and could have been a thriving town since it was on the path of the California gold rush, however, several years before the gold rush began, it was attacked by Apache and in 1861 was the site of a 4 day siege.
  • Constitutional Naturalization

    Constitutional Naturalization
    Article I, Section 8, the provision that "Congress shall have power... to establish a uniform rule of naturalization." This allows immigrants to be granted US Citizenship through fulfilment of certain requirments such as applying for Naturalization and passing a Naturalization test.
  • Naturalization Act of 1795

    Naturalization Act of 1795
    This Act changed the 1790 rule by increasing the period required by residents from 2 years to 5 years. It also introduced the two step Naturalization process.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Alien and Sedition Acts were signed in to law by President Adams. This Act changed resident requirement from 5 years to 14 years and gave the president the ability to deport or even imprision immigrants who were considered to be "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States".
  • Immigrants Recognized by Census

    Immigrants Recognized by Census
    As the federal Census collected data, it officially recognized immigrants for the first time.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    The Mexican-American War was a defining moment for the United States as this war created lang for the US and took away nearly half of the Mexican Territory: the present American Southwest from Texas to California, and the United States became a continental power.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American war. It created a Treaty of Peace between the US and Mexico. It also gave the US Texas, California, New Mexico, Ariozna, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. The US had to pay Mexico over $15 million for this, along with paying for the war, a cost of $3.25 million.
  • Arizona is a state

    Arizona is a state
    Happy Valentine's Day America! Here's your 48th state!
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    The Equal Educational Opportunities Act prohibits discrimination of staff and students in schools. This also includes racial segregation. It requires that all students, reguardless of race recieve a good education.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    This act made it illegal for companies to hire undocumented workers.
  • Sheriff Joe

    Sheriff Joe
    Sheriff Joe Arpaio is known as "America's Toughest Sheriff".He is widely known for his opposition of immigrants, especially on the US/Mexico border.
  • Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona

    Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona
    Prop 203: Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona
    This Prop was anti-immigrant and requires that all instruction be conducted in English.
  • The Dream Act

    The Dream Act
    This act grants immigrants residency under the 2009 version if they have "good moral standing". The bill has been reformed and revised many times even up until 2012 when President Obama announced that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services would begin accepting applications.
  • Senate Bill 1070

    Senate Bill 1070
    SB 1070 was a law passed by the state of Arizona that is considered controversial and the strictest illegal immigration document of all time. The law requires any persons over the age of 14 who stays in the U.S. for over 30 days to register with the U.S. government. Additionally, Arizona has made it law that all persons carry documentation of citizenship and a misdemeanor crime for an immigrant o be in Arizona without carrying required documents .