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Ibrahim Rugova

  • Rugova is born

    Rugova is born
    In Cerrcë village, municipality of Istog, Kosovo.
  • Rugova earns the PHD degree

    Rugova earns the PHD degree
    In literature at the University of Prishtina
  • Rugova becomes the President of LDK

    Rugova becomes the President of LDK
    The first party to challenge the Communismm regime, and becoming the major force in Kosovo politics.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Proclaming Kosovo as a state. Later the Constitution is adopted, which leads to first elections, won by LDK.
  • Rugova wins an award

    Rugova wins an award
    The Sakharov Prize for his peaceful policies.
  • Rugova Dies

    Rugova Dies
    At the age of 61, because of lung cancer.