Ian Otrebski

By kmills2
  • White males

    Only white males over the age of 21 who own land can vote.
  • Rights

    The 14th amendment gives voting power to all men born or naturalized in the US.
  • Racial barriers

    The 15th amendment eliminates racial barriers between voting. States would still practice voting discrimination. Native Americans still could not vote.
  • Women's rights

    The 19th amendment gives women rights to vote nation wide
  • Native Americans

    Gave Native American citizens right to vote
  • All races

    All races above the age of 21 have the right to vote. No matter their religion or education.
  • Enforced

    Literary tests are suspended and voting rights are now federally enforced.
  • Lower Age

    Age limit is lowered to 18.
  • No literary test

    Literary tests are banned.
  • Elderly and Handicapped

    Handicapped and elderly people can now vote.
  • Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court decides the presidential election.