History Timeline

  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    During the German invasion of Poland thousands of jewish and non-jewish people were forced to flea the german army into poland, assuming that the polish army would be able to hold them off. This all happened so quickly few people had to time to make a plan of what/where to go on their journey the only things people brought along with them were as many things as they could carry in their arms. The significance was that it started the war. An outcome of this was that they gained the land of Poland
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Churchills speech telling the people of Britain that the battle of France has ended and now the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Germany got rance to surrender about 4 days later and then Hitler focuses is attention on Britain. The significance was that the two airforces crashed and caused the blargest bombing to date and it saved the invasion and occupation of German forces. The outcome was Britain won and saved them from another battle.
  • Operation of Barbarossa - Russia

    Operation of Barbarossa - Russia
    The Operation of Barbarossa was Germany and their Allies invading the Soviet Union. Even though the USSR has a signed peace treaty with Germany both of them still felt tension between them and gave them more time to prepare for the much anticipated battle. The significance of this was that this pulled Russia into the war even though they had a non-aggression pact. The outcome was German forces moved up about 200 miles within the Soviet territory and 4000 aircrafts were killed with 600,000 troops
  • Battle of Moscow, Russia

    Battle of Moscow, Russia
    Bock led german troops to attack Moscow, they were slowed down do to due to the prior bombings and attacks they had done.
  • Battle of Stalingrad, Russia

    Battle of Stalingrad, Russia
    This battle had bled Germany flat out dry and they had to retreat out of Moscow. The German commander of the Sixth Army also known as the General Paulus and Fourth Panzer Army helpped advance into the city of Stalingrad. The significance was this was that its considered to be the turning point of WWII and it was to secure the oil fields.
  • Battle of Kursk, Russia

    Battle of Kursk, Russia
    The Battle of Kursk was a battle that took place on the eastern front during WWII. Germany wanted to switch to the offensive side once they were beaten in the battle of stalingrad. their counterpart however had good insight on germanys plans. this was considered the "greatest armored battles and probably the air battle in history that led to the largest loss in a single day"
    the significance of this was that it was the greatest armored battle. outcome was that this was the largest loss in a day
  • D-day, France

    D-day, France
    General Eisenhower was the one to decide to attack on June 6, 1944. At 2 in morning one British and two American airborne divisions were dropped behind the beaches in order to secure routes of egress from the beaches for the seaborne forces and over 5,000 ships and 4,000 "ship-to-shore" craft were used . British forces on the left and U.S. forces on the right had comparatively easy going, but U.S. forces in Omaha Beach met. the significance was because it marked the turning point for WWII.
  • D-Day France part 2

    The outcome of D-day was that it destroyed Germany and forced them to fight again like they did previously in WWI.
  • Battle of Bulge - Lux/Belgium

    Battle of Bulge - Lux/Belgium
    Hitler finally got the alliance with britain and france and america. Hitler ordered a massive attack against mostly American forces. The attack is strictly known as the "Ardennes Offensive" Hitler’s idea was to launch an attack using three armies on the Allies which would be able to take the huge port of Antwerp through which a great deal of supplies was reaching the Allies. The significance was that because this was Germans last offensive in WWII.
  • Battle of Bulge - Lux/Belgium part 2

    the outcome was that the Americans killed nearly 80,000 casualties and 19,000 killed and 15,000 captured as for the British casualties around 1,400. and lastly Germany lossed approximately 100,000 men as well as each side losing 700 tanks.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Soviet forces develope a plan against Berlin this was conducted by the red army even though they had the support of American and britain aircraft. Zhukovs men had assaulted seelow heights on April 16th. the soviets captured the position but had 30k deaths. In the south, Konev's command got Forst then they broke into open country south of Berlin. the significance was that it was the end of WWII. the outcome was that it put an end to WWII.
  • Hiroshima/Nagasaki - Japan

    Hiroshima/Nagasaki - Japan
    The U.S used atomic weapons against Japan. When Japan was trying to recover the U.S struck again only 3 days later. Aug of 1945 the anola gay was sent out to hiroshima and nagasaki they chose these cities due to the fact that they were un harmed durong the war. The significance was that it put a final stop to WWII even though it was already over. The outcome was that it destroyed Hiroshima and nagasaki, it killed around 70k people in Hiroshima.