history of the timeline project by Mandy Amond

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    Aristotle (B.C.)

    Aristotle (B.C.)
    Aristotle came up with the idea of atoms in general. He came up with this theory by thinking that everything was made out of the four elements. (air, water, fire, and earth) He thought that the atoms looked round and solid also. http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/
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    Democritus (B.C.)

    Democritus (B.C.)
    Democritus discovered that all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. He figured this theory out by mixing elements together. He said that the atom's physical properties were that it was round and solid. http://www.universetoday.com/60058/democritus-atom/
  • Dalton

    His theory was that elements were made up of tiny particles called atoms. Dalton's model was how atoms were tiny, ivisible, and indistructable. He formed the atomic theory and stated that matter is composed of tiny indistructable particles.(atoms). http://dl.clackamas.cc.or.us/ch104-04/dalton%27s.htm http://www.universetoday.com/38169/john-daltons-atomic-model/
  • Thomson

    He discovered the electron. He figured out that atoms had electrons in them as well. He used the Cathode Ray Tube experiment. He called the model of the atom "Plum-Pudding Atom" https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=d9686382ef23507d6d9b52ddd0973d72
  • Thomas

    He discovered the electron, he also discovered that atoms have a electrons in them. He used the Cathod Ray Tube experiment. He called his atom model " Plum-Pudding Atom", https://www.gaggle.net/gaggleVideoProxy.do?op=view&v=d9686382ef23507d6d9b52ddd0973d72
  • Rutherford

    He discovered that the atom had a nucleus and the atom didn't look like what Thomson had thought. Instead, it being like a pudding or muffin, it looks similar to the modern model. He used the "Gold Foil" experiment. He called the atom model "Rutherford" http://scienceblogs.com/dotphysics/2009/09/04/the-development-of-the-atomic-model/
  • Rutherford

    He discovered that atoms had a nucleus adn that atoms didn't look like what Thomson had thought. Instead of it being like a muffin, it looks more like the modern model. He used the Gold Foil experiment. he called his atopm model "Rutherford".
  • Bohr

    He satated that the electrons move around the atom in large orbits. He used experiments to disocver this. Electrons revolving around the nucleus.
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger

    He said that electrons weren't spinning in orbit, but like hyper active flies and as if they were flying around the nucleus.he used experiments.he called his atom model "Electron Cloud Model".