History of the timeline by Earnest Hammond

  • 460


    university todayDemocritus said that the atom looked like a cloud or liquid.Approxiamatly 460 bc was the date been said by Democritus.He figured it out by discoverring that the atom was moving in an infinite void,between atoms lies empty space.
  • Dalton

    universe todayDalton said that the atom looked like a faily large nucleus surrounded by orbiting electons whizzing around the nucleus with Jim Whiting.Approximatly 2/24/1804 was the date been said by Dalton.He figured it out that the atom had certain gases that could only be combined in certain proportions,even if two different compounds shared the same common element or group of elements.
  • Thomson

    university todayThomson said that the atom looked like the electrons and protons were uniformly mixed throughout the atom.Approxiamatly Dec 18,1897 was the date been said by Thomson.He figured it out by discovering that the atom is the cathode rays and atoms are actually composed of aggregates of charged particles.
  • Rutherford