history of the periodic table

  • history

    Galilo and Bacon and who was influenced much by Demorcitus, Gassendi, and Descartes, Lent Important weight to the atomic theory of matter.
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    Hennig Brand discoved phosphorous
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    Lovoisier who worte the first extensive list of elements containng 33 elements. He distinguished between metals and non metals.
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    at least 47 elements were discoverd and scientists began to see patterns in the characteristics
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    Jons Jakob Berzelius developed a table of atomic weights and introduced letters to symbolize elments, rather than the symbols originated by the early Greek and following alchemists
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    Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner Grouped known elents into families of triads of elelments with similar properties
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    chemist John Newland divided the than discovered 56 elements into 11 groups based on characteristics
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    Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeleev created the first accepted version of the periodic table
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    Antoine Bequerel first discovered radiactiviy. Marie and Pierre Curie stared working on the radiation of uranium and thorium, and subsequently discovered radium and polonium.They disvovered that beta particles were negativly charged
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    Glenn T. Seaborg Created the modern versison of the periodic table