
History of the Atomic Theory

  • 400

    Democritus (400BC)

    Democritus (400BC)
    Democritus had stated that all matter consists of atoms. He also thought that when you broke a element down completely you would get a atom. He used the method of Archimedes
  • Aristotle (400BC)

    Aristotle (400BC)
    Aristotle believed that matter was made up of the four elements Fire, Air, Water, Earth. He used a theory with no proof.
  • Dalton (1766-1844)

    Dalton (1766-1844)
    Dalton believed that the atom was the smallest unit if matter and that it could not be broken down. He used the law of simple proportions that would try to explain how and why elements would combine with one another. Dalton thought that atoms were tiny, indidvisible, indestructable, that each one had a certain mass and size.
  • Thomson (1903)

    Thomson (1903)
    Thomson believed that atoms consists of a sphere with positive and negative charges in them. He used the plum puddding model.
  • Rutherford (1911)

    Rutherford (1911)
    He believed that the atom consisted of substance particles called protons and electorons. The neucleus of the atom is very dense and has a posituve charge. He used a gold foil.
  • Bohr (1913)

    Bohr (1913)
    Bohr discovered new info and theorized that electrons orbit around the nucleus of protons and neutrons. He proposed that his quantized on how electrons stay stable around the nucleus. He thought it looked like a planetary model.
  • Heisenberg And Schrodinger (1933)

    Heisenberg And Schrodinger (1933)
    These two scientists thought that the electrons being distributed within an electron configuration of shells and energy levels, they were arranged in orbitals which were systematically distributed within electron clouds. He used the Quantum Model of electrons which also meant that electrons themselves were wavelike.