history of the atom timeline(robert vernon,

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    aristole (332B.C) discovery

    aristole (332B.C) discovery
    he belived that you can cut the atom in half and get a smaller atom.the substances were made up of the earth elements.he also said that there was no smaller part of matter.he did not test it.
  • dalton discovery

    dalton discovery
    dalton was studying gases when he came across that two certain gases can be combined to create a different gas. this brought him to hypothesize that the atomic level is fixed to compared to the atomic weight.he belived that the atoms were different e,ements.
  • thomsom discovery

    thomsom discovery
    hediscovered the eletrons in the atoms. he found it out by doing many test with high vacuum cathode ray by making them refect off each other he found the neagative chargein the atoms.he pictured the atom has a sphere shape just with eletrons.
  • rutherford discovery

    rutherford discovery
    he dicovered that the atom has a nucleus, which the atom is still a sphereshaped ball but has eletrons floating around it.he found the nucleus by testing the alpha particle and find it.
  • bohr discovery

    bohr discovery
    he said that the atom's nucles is more dense and that the eletrons on the out side are clouds that are wieghtless and give a negative reading.he said that when radiated the eletrons sinks closer to the nucleus.
  • heisenberg and schrodinger discovery

    heisenberg and schrodinger discovery
    they created the quantum theroy.both said that the particles vibrate and make waves. both say that the atom is a sphere shape with eletrons that send waves to different particles.
  • democritus (492B.C) discovery

    democritus (492B.C) discovery
    he said that eveything is made out of atoms, and that the atoms are physically,ut not geometrically,indivisible; between atoms lies empty space; atoms are indestrucible; have always been, and will always be in motion.he found out the different reasons for different atoms by the solidness. they are invisibleand have different shapes and sizes.