History of the Atom Timeline by Summer Jansen

  • 450

    Aristotle (340 BC)

    Aristotle (340 BC)
    Aristotle Had an idea in which he named "The Four Elements" He believed that all matter was made up of air, water, fire, and earth.
    He had no proof for this theory but many people believed him because he was one of the greatest minds of his time.
  • Dalton

    Dalton said that all matter is made up of atoms and matter cannot be created or destroyed. He also said that a chemical reaction causes a rearrangement of the atoms.
    He stated that the protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and electrons are on the outside of the atom.
  • Thomson

    Discovered the electron.
    Atoms are larger bodies of positive charge with negative parts.
    Called "Plum Pudding"
  • Rutherford

    Did the Gold Foil Experiment
    Determined there was a large nucleus with an overall positive charge.
    Gathered info from an experiment
    Called "Rutherford Model"
  • Bohr

    Discovered protons are in the nucleus.
    Electrons can only move in certain paths.
    out electrons determine the chemical property.
    Called "Bohr Model"
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger

    Heisenberg and Schrodinger
    Discovered electron cloud.
    Electrons moving fast causes an electron cloud
    Built on thoughts of Bohr.
    Called "The Cloud Model"
  • Democritus

    Discovered that all matter is made up of tiny atoms.
    Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.
    He got thiss idea by observing that no matter how many times you break an object in half, it will never disapear.