History of the Atom Timeline by Nasir & Janie

  • 300

    Aristotle (B.C.)

    Aristotle (B.C.)
    -was Philosopher/Greek Philosopher
    -student of Plato
    -he added four basic elements: fire,earth,air,water adding one more element called "Aether"
    -he studies in physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, zoology
  • 400

    Democritus (400 B.C.)

    Democritus (400 B.C.)
    -Democritus discovered the first atom in 400 B.C.
    -Claimed that everything is made up of atoms.
    -His atom is an inert solid that interacts with other atoms mechanically
    -Some people consider him to be father of modern science
    -Atom always in motion
    -Democritus said atom are indestructible
    -Using analogies from our sense ,Democritus gave an image of an atom that distinguished them from each other
  • Daton

    -He discovered certain gases can only be combined in certain proportions.
    -He created the Law of Constant Compostion also called Law of Definite Proportions.
    -He divided Atomic Theory into five parts: Pure Element, -----Atom , Atomic weight, Chemical compound, and Chemical Reaction
    -Believe element are made up of tiny particles call atom Http://www.universetoday.com/56637/atom-model/
  • Thomson

    -This model of the atom was a sphere of positive matter in which electrons are positioned by electrostatic forces.
    -Thought electrons and proton are uniformly mixed throughtout atom
    -The model was called " Plum Pudding Model"
    -He used the Cathode Ray Tube experiment
    -He discover electrons
    Tomson video
  • Rutherford

    -Components of atom
    -Consist of subatomic particles called proton and electrons
    -Rutherford tested Thompson theory by devising his "gold foil" experiment
    -Atom has a nucleus
    -Rutherford said Thompson's model was correct
    - He said put all proton in the nucleus and the electrons orbits the nucleus like the planets orbits the sun
  • Bohr

    Bohr applies quantum theory to Rutherford's atom structure
    -Electron cloud model
    -Bohr went to England to study with J.J Thompson
    -1912 Bohr joined Rutherford
    -Bohr earned his PHD in Denmark with a dissertation on electron theory of metals
    -Bohr's theory that electrons existed in set orbit around the nucleus was the key to the Periodic repetition of properties of the element
  • Schrodinger / Heisenberg

    Schrodinger / Heisenberg
    -Used math
    -Schrodinger Equation received a Nobel Prize in Physic in 1933
    -Schrodinger Equation is the method he used
    -Schrodinger Equation: wave equation of non relativistic quantum mechanics
    -The model depicts the floating motion of the electrons, rather then them having a set path of travel
    -Schrodinger determined the probiltity location of electrons in atom
    - According to Schrodinger, electrons stuck in their orbits would set uo " standing waves"
    -Quantum Mechanical model