History of the Atom Time line (brooke and ethan)

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    aristotle (348 BC)

    aristotle (348 BC)
    researchdemocritus did not discover anything about atoms, he completely dissmissed the atomis theory. stuck with and promoted the idea that the universe was made from earth, air, fire and water. aristotle dissmissed trhe atomic theory idea as worthless. people considered his opinion very important and if aristotle thought it, everyone else did too.
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    democritus (440 BC)

    democritus (440 BC)
    researchhe did not discsover much. he concluded that all things were made up of smaller invisible things. that the "invisible" things were "tied" by little ropes. democritus's method was the microscope metod; puttimg material on a slide and veiwed ten times larger that what supposed to be. he sensed a world of color, smell,and taste, while in reality,only atoms/void exist. if you cut a particle in half for forever, youll end up with an "uncuttable" particle
  • dalton

    inforesearchhe was one of the first to develop an atomic model, thought the atom was the smallest com[ponent of matter. he studied the way which elements combined durinng chemical reactions. he thought the atom looked like a ball.
  • thomson

    inforesearchhe was credited of the discovery of the electron, of isoptopes and the invention if the massspectometer. his method was the two forces on each electron must balance. he thought the atom looked like plum pudding. this meant he thought the atom was a ballof posative charge (like pudding) with smaller balls of negative charge embedded in it (like plums)
  • rutherford

    he discovered the concept of radioactive half-life; theory of the nuclear atom,m known as, "father of nuclear physics". he used the gold foil expirement; "scattering expirement". he suggested that the atom consisted of a small, dense core of posatively charged particles in the center (of the nucleus) of the arom, surrounded by a swirling ring of electrons.
  • Bohr

    infodiscovered the Bohr Model which proves that the atom has small posatively charged nucleaus. electrons surrounds the nucleaus and they travel around in circular orbit. he proposed his e quantized shell model of the atom to explain how electrons can have stable orbitis around the nucleaus. he drew the atomas a nucleaus with electrons floating randomly.
  • heisenberg and schrodinger

    heisenberg and schrodinger
    current says electrons do not travel in infinate paths around the nucleaus. they found electron clouds; regiolns inside an atom where electrons are likely to be found. the atom looked smeared out- way too spread out through all of space and time.