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History of Immigration

  • Jan 1, 1000

    First Migration- BC

    First Migration- BC
    The migration and creation of anicent southwest civilizations lead to the movment of people to the north hemisphere after the Ice age. I believe its a major historical event its lead to the beginning of our modern American communities.
  • Jan 1, 1130

    Settlements of Native in American land-AD

    Settlements of Native in American land-AD
    Native peoples in the southwest and in American lands started to settled into communities. Mostly importantly they became hunters and gathers. The development of agriculture, hunting tools, weather adaption, help create towns and extablish our modern society. I believe its important factor of how people migrate and adapt to their surroundings.
  • English Settlers-Migration

    English Settlers-Migration
    This is a pivotal event when English migrants to move the New Land. The beginning of immmigration to the USA begins in search of a better life and opportunities from the British crown. The increase population and creations of new towns. Also, Native Americans were being introduce to religion and new culure from the new settlers.
  • American Revolution-Declaration of Independence

    American Revolution-Declaration of Independence
    After the many battles between the Colonies and the British army, the end of war led to a victory for the Colonies. The first step in establishing the USA government and breaking away from the Bristish crown.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    After the American Revolution, the colonies became a stronger society and developed a government. The treaty allowed for land expansion and help the new American government gain politcal confidence. I think its motivated more migration to America and its help shape the future of the American government.
  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    Naturalization Act of 1790
    The enactment of this act allowed new immigrates to become citizens along with being of white persons one had to reside in the USA for two years. It demostrates the implementation of government control to grant people naturalization based on race and moral standing which is much different today requirements and restrictions.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Jim Crow laws forced whites and people of color to use different public accommodations such as water fountains, restrooms, hotels, and restaurants. It created a great division between white and black even after the Civil war and the end of slavery. The laws didn't shift the thoughts of race and class division already existent.
  • Great depression

    Great depression
    The Great Depression was a downturn for the American economy many people lost their jobss, homes and lack basic needs. It was a struggle to re-boost the economy but its change the structure of the financial industry. I think it depicts a change in economic attitudes after the boost of the Industrial Revolution occured.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    Immigration Act of 1924 slimited immigrants to the USA. There was a quota based on nation orgins. There were border stations which require each person to pay a tax for entry. The government limited the entry by literacy test and asian born. I think the act indicated the political motivation from the USA government to limit peoples and maintain English identity. I think this act was a pathway that changed the attitudes towards immigration.
  • New Deal- New President

    New Deal- New President
    Relief, recovery and reform were tactics used from Franklin Roosevelt to re-boost the economy. It provide necessary resources and opportunities for many families. It reduce poverty and its help keep jobs. I think its also change the attitudes of people towards the government in a positive way.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks defied authorities in 1955 when she sat in the whites-only section at the front of the but in Montgomery, Alabama, sparking a boycott of the public transportation system for over a year leading to the desegregation of the transportation system. Its also seem to spark the Civil Rights Movement to bring race equality for Blacks. Its a crucial moment to give people opportunity to fight equality and stop discrimination.
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    César Chávez organized the National Farm Workers Association and led many strikes/boycott. He fought for better rights and better conditions for farm workers. I think its help people recognize the issues that migrate workers face to earn a living and help the agricultural industry. These workers many times undocument workers.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr

    Martin Luther King, Jr
    The march on Washington in 1963, in which Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous "I have a dream" speech, inspired African Americans to continue the fight for their civil rights. It was also an important moment to shift the poltical and social ideas of race division in America.
  • September 11-US Patriot Act

    September 11-US Patriot Act
    A devastating event for the USA. It developed a shift of unity and xenophobia for people from Middle East. It led to a mulitple wars. Also the amendment of Immigration and Naturalization Act with the inclusion of Patriot Act by restriciting entry to people assoicate with terrorism activities. The USA government developed stronger immigration policy, homeland security and diplomacy. it was an event that change the attitudes of people to think differently about USA role in the world.
  • Obama-Deporation-Dream Act

    Obama-Deporation-Dream Act
    The second-term Obama administration has deported many families and used stricted rules to in force immigration policy. The issues with undocument people in the USA change people attitudes when the economy weaken and lack of jobs after the 2008 economic crash. Also the Dream Act enact is an other progess towards helping those undocument to receive an opportunity for education.