History of Film

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Started with a bet that horses cant have all four legs in the air at a time for 25,000 dollars. Proved wrong.
  • Advancement in Motion Film

    Advancement in Motion Film
    Eadweard went back to California to further his research is motion and how it worked. Started with 12-24 cameras and used a shutter that gave exposure to 2/1000 of a second.
  • First demonstration

    First demonstration
    He took a zoopraxiscope to chicago and showed the first moving picture as a illusion. it was the first step in modern cinema.
  • Innovation of motion picture

    Innovation of motion picture
    He too what he had so far to the University of Pennsylvania where they studied the art and motion of a human through motion picture using figures. Stop motion was beginning.
  • Color in Film

    Color in Film
    Movies were improving and Technicolor was becoming a thing. first movie it was used in was "Cupid Angling". One of the first popular movies in Technicolor was "Wizard of Oz"
  • Advancement in length

    Advancement in length
    Production was getting faster with making movies, this left more time and easier to make more scenes. we start to get 1:30 hr films from here with some being 2 hrs and better quality.
  • The longest movie

    There is such a thing as a trailer for a movie being as long as 7hr and 20min. The movie is Ambianće and is estimated to be 720 hrs long. it started production in the 60's and will be due by the year 2020 or more.
  • Special Effects

    Special Effects
    Movies were becoming wide ranged of genres with Drama, Comedy, and Action being the top grossing, with that being to this day, and having special effects thrown in for excitement.
  • Science Fiction

    Science Fiction
    with the broad expansion of the 60's, the 70's expanded the creative world of fiction and started one of the biggest sparks in todays movies.
  • Horror films

    Horror films
    Horror films are legendary for having a effect of the supernatural and have carried from the 80's to now with the most recent movies The Strangers: Sequel.
  • Action Movies

    Action Movies
    In the 1990's a huge definition in quality was introduced and Special effects were enhanced, Action movies took over the 90's and are still the iconic movies today.
  • Todays Movies

    Todays Movies
    Movies are high quality and always, or should always, have some twist of independence with them. as going through the whole 1900's, theres about a movie for everything and getting creative seems to be getting harder. Yet with most hard hitting movies, it leaves people yelling for a Encore for a Sequel to what they just watched.