History of Chemistry

  • Dalton

    Published his atomic theory which states that all matter is composed of atoms, all atoms of a given element are identical, compounds are formed by a combination of different types of atoms, and that a chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms.
  • Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac

    Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
    Discovered that water was made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen.
  • Periodic Table of Elements

    Periodic Table of Elements
    Dmitri Mendeleev arranged all the elements into the periodic table while creating his own chemistry text book.
  • Thomson

    Discovered the electron using a cathode ray tube. Believed that an atom was a sphere with positive material with negatively charged electrons stuck in it.
  • Marie Curie

    Discoverd radium and polonium along with Pierre Curie. Won two nobel prizes for chemistry and physics.
  • Rutherford

    Shot alpha particles through peices of gold tin. Believed that the atom was mostly empty space with a dense positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons moving at a rapid pase.
  • Antonius Van den Broek

    Proposed that elements were more properly organized by positive nuclear charge than weight.
  • Bohr

    Believed the atom had a positively charged nucleus and was surrounded by electrons that travel in a circular orbit.
  • Frederick Soddy

    Won the nobel prize for his theory of Isotopes and further knowledge of radioactivity.