History of Aviation

  • Otto Lilienthal

    Otto Lilienthal
    Otto Lilienthal made the the first successful piloted flight in a glider in 1891
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    The Wright Brothers made the first seccusseful airplane on December17,1903
  • Hariet Quimby

    Hariet Quimby
    The first American to get her piliots lisence,on August1,1911
  • Stenson Sisters

    Stenson Sisters
    The Stenson sisters opened a successful piolet school, also they became one of the first women to get a piolets lisence
  • Glenn Curtis

    Glenn Curtis
    Gleen Curtis was the creator of many airplanes,he built the first seaplane,and creator of the NC-4,that was the firwst plane to cross the Alantic Ocean in 1919
  • Bessie Coleman

    Bessie Coleman
    Bessie Coleman was the first African American in the world to obtain her pilot's license. She got her license from a flight school in France.
  • Charles Linbergh

    Charles Linbergh
    Charles Linbergh made the first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in May 20-21,1927.
  • Bert Hinkler

    Bert Hinkler
    Bert Hinkler was a famous Australian aviator that made the fifst successful flight from Australia to Britian in 1928.
  • Charles Kingsford Smith

    Charles Kingsford Smith
    "He made the first non-stop flight across the Australian Continent and the first flight across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand."
  • Willy Post

    Willy Post
    Willey Post became the first person to fly solo across the world July15,1933
  • Howard Hughes Jr.

    Howard Hughes Jr.
    He set a trans-global record. . He left Brooklyn, New York, and got to Paris in 16 hours, 38 minutes, more than twice as fast as Charles Lindbergh. July 14th, he arrived with the new record of 3 days, 9 hours, 17 minutes.
  • JimmyH.Doolittle

    Jimmy Doolittle was famous for being the first person to win all of the major aviator racing throphies,also he was a commander of 6 air force bases.
  • Willa Brown

    Willa Brown
    Willa Brown founded the first government flight school for African Americans
  • Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.

    Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr.
    Benjamin Davis became the first black general in the air force history in 1954.Also he organised the Tuskegee Airmen, which was the first African American military flying unit.
  • Edward Rickenbacker

    Edward Rickenbacker
    Edward Rickenbacker served in World War 1, shot down 26 planes, and won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Also he led Eastern Airlines for 30 years before stepping down
  • Jacquelin Cochran

    Jacquelin Cochran
    Jacquelin Cochran was a famous aviator and set a record of speed,height,and she was also the first woman to fly a bomber and a jet across the Atlantic Ocean