
History of Airplanes

  • Wright Flyer's flight

    Wright Flyer's flight
    Wright Flyer flies for the first time. It could stay up in the air for 59 seconds. This was the first plane to take flight.
  • First Plane Crash

    First Plane Crash
    While trying to win a contract from the U.S. Army Signal Corps Orville Wright and Lt. Selfridge crash in the Wright Flyer. Lt. Selfridge was the first airplane casualty and Orville becomes the first injured in a plane crash.
  • Period: to

    First airplane dogfight

    Battle of Cer - First ever plane dogfight.
  • First Mounted Machinegun

    First Mounted Machinegun
    A plane that included a mounted machinegun for the first time.
  • First Jet Plane

    First Jet Plane
    Britain flies first jet plane.
  • Largest Airplane Flight

    Largest Airplane Flight
    The Anotnov-225 takes its first flight
  • Sully's Landing

    Sully's Landing
    Sully lands on the Hudson river
  • Boeing 777X'f Flight

    Boeing 777X'f Flight
    The Boeing 777X takes its first flight.