Historical events related to immigration issues from U.S. and Arizona History

  • Jan 1, 1500

    First Europeans begun establishing settlements in the US.

    First Europeans begun establishing settlements in the US.
  • Pilgrims arrived in search of religious freedom

    Pilgrims arrived in search of religious freedom
  • Hundred of thousands of African slaves came to America against their will

    Hundred of thousands of African slaves came to America against their will
  • The First Naturalization Act

    The first attempt at setting up control over immigration
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • The first anti immigration group was born

  • Over 2 million Jews entered the US

    Jews from Eastern from Europe fleeing religious persecution arrived in large numbers.
  • The Chinese Exclusio Act

    The Chinese Exclusio Act
    the first signigicant federal legislation restrictig immiration
  • The creation of Ellis Island

    The creation of Ellis Island
    The US first federal immigration station
  • The Stock Maret Crashed - The Great Depression

    The Stock Maret Crashed - The Great Depression
  • the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Roosevelt suspended naturalization proceedings for Italian, German, and Japanese immigrants
  • The Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima

    Japanese Immigrants were forced into relocation camps away from the west coast
  • Communist revolution in Cuba

    hundreds of thousands of refugees from that island nation also gained admittance to the US
  • Ending of the quota system.

    Ending of the quota system.
    the quota system that favored European immigrants.
  • 9/11 al-Qaeda attack

    9/11 al-Qaeda attack