Hist 473 Timeline

  • Founding of San Diego Mission

    This was the first mission that was created in California and served as a waypoint and guide to the creation of the other 21 missions.
  • Period: to

    Spanish Colonization

  • Founding of LA

    the founding of LA by Spanish Governor Felipe de Neve is important because of the historical significance of this city, and how much of a role it plays today as one of the largest cities in America.
  • Jose Francisco Ortega establishes the Presidio

    Jose Francisco establishes a Presidio and negotiates with the largest Indian tribe. Under Ortegas rule indigenous trade was changed, Spanish forces occupied the area.
  • Measles Epidemic

    The Measles epidemic was the worst epidemic during the time of the missions, and was extremely deadly towards Native Americans who didn't have any sort of antibodies to it.
  • Spanish Constitution

    Made it so that colonial-born, and indigenous people were given full Spanish citizenship.
  • Mexican Independence

    After a decade of fighting and struggle with indigenous people, and attempts to colonize California, the Mexican government takes control of California.
  • Period: to

    California under Mexico

  • Chumash Revolt

    after the sack of Santa Ynez fighting spread to other missions, which led to month-long occupations and also the deaths of many natives and Spanish alike. led to a decline in mission authority, Californians being scared of native people, militarization, and a rise in anti-Indian thoughts.
  • Mexican land grant

    Mexico enacts a new land grant, and parts of this include no more transfer or land to the missions, it is also limited to 50,000 acres, and land and people would not expand onto tribal land. Important because it allowed for Native Americans to keep their territory, and hopefully keep the peace.
  • Estanislao Revolt

    The Estanislao Indian Revolt was led by Estanislao a member of the Yokuts people against the Mexican government and mission settlements.
  • The Mexican War

    California was given to the US by Mexico along with other Southwest states. If the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo never happened, California may have still been under Mexican rule.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner party shows the risks that come with travel in California and through Sierra Nevada Mountains and migration to and from California.
  • Gold Rush announced in SF

    Sam Brennan runs through the streets screaming about the discovery of gold in the American River. Starts the gold rush as many people from SF go the rivers and mines to search for gold.
  • Chinese Immigrants arrive in SF

    Immigration to CA has skyrocketed since the announcement of the Gold Rush and chinese immigrants make up a large portion of it. Everyone is looking for gold in CA and hoping to start a new life.
  • Period: to

    The Gold Rush

  • Discovery of Gold

    James Marshall discovers Gold in the American River. First time that Gold is discovered in CA and helps start the Gold rush
  • CA wants statehood

    CA leaders/delegates create a state Constitution and request entrance into the United States. Would be one of the quickest admittances in US history.
  • Clear Lake Massacre

    The Clear lake massacre was done by soldiers and white volunteers and they murdered 1/6 of the Native Americans who had taken refuge on an island. The CA government has since apologized for this massacre, however no other reparations have been made.
  • CA becomes a State

    After the passing of the compromise of 1850, CA is admitted into the United States as a non slave state. Important because CA will go onto have the largest population in the Country and produces much of its produce.
  • 1851 Land Grant

    this grant created the board of land commissions, and allowed for people to settle disputes and boundary/land claims civily
  • Gold rush income falls

    the income of miners during the gold rush, fell to around 1/3 their original income. As such the Goldrush declined exponentially.
  • 2nd Foreign Miners Tax

    This tax was specially targeted towards chinese immigrants and goldminers, and as a result they would have to pay $3 a month. This tax led to increased violence and frustrations.
  • Period: to


  • Passing of the Pacific Railroad Act

    This marks the beginning of a giant step in US history, and as a result of this railroad, many chinese immigrants would come to CA for work.
  • Civil War ending

    Brought the US back together, and as such strengthened both the US and California.
  • Womans Rights Convention in SF

    This is the first woman's rights convention to happen in CA, and this is one of the major starting points for woman's suffrage in CA, and would go onto help woman's rights throughout the country.
  • Transcontinental Railroad completed

    The building of the Transcontinental railroad by chines immigrants marks a significant step in US travel, migration and history. The railroad allows for the quick, safe transportation of goods, peoples, ideas, and cultures across state lines.
  • LA Massacre

    The LA massacre of 18 Chinese immigrants was the result of a mob of Latino and Anglo men. It is one of the largest lynching's in history and the Chinese community in LA was deeply hurt and destroyed by it.
  • Cable Cars open in SF

    The building and opening of the cable cars in SF is a milestone in transportation and is a historical sight to this day. With this opening, people could much quicker and easier move within the city.
  • Workingmens Party of CA

    This is an important event in CA history because it highlights the racism and Chinese hate that was prevalent in CA. The official slogan of this party was that "The Chinese Must go", it is important to never forget our past, and to make sure we are always being better.
  • Little Tokyo started

    The first building in what is now Little Tokyo is built. This building and many others would go onto create a community where Japanse immigrants could call home. Is still around today and highlights the culture, ethnicity, and diversity of Japan, Japanse Americans and its people.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

  • LA Aquaduct started

    Due to this aqueduct system LA and other southern CA cites and areas could begin to flourish, industrialize and support bigger populations
  • SF earthquake

    The earthquake in SF in 1906 is one of the largest ever recorded in the US, and decimated the US and killed many. It also helped start the progressive era in the CA.
  • LA harbor is built

    the building of the LA harbor allowed LA to become a port for California and the US. Led to an exponential increase in trade, immigration, and industrialization.
  • State election with women voters

    the statewide elections in 1912 were the first time that women could vote in the country. marked a major milestone and shows that women deserve the same rights as men
  • CA State highway system

    construction of major highways across California started in 1912, and a results of this can still be seen today. These highways would allow for travel, and migration of people through CA to be more efficient.
  • 18th Amendment passed

    The banning of the sale and transportation of alcohol in CA was widely disliked by the country, and led to an increase in speakeasies, illegal activities and bribery/corruption of cops.
  • 19 Amendment

    This amendment allows women to vote, and was a historic milestone in US history. Half the population finally had a voice in US leadership and government
  • Immigration Act 1924

    This Immigration Act excluded all immigrants from Asia and allowed only 2% of the total pop of said immigrant group to come to the US. This deeply impacted CA's workforce, diversity, and population.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crash of 1929 was a key factor that led to the great depression. This depression lasted for a decade devasted many families, and also led to a major economic decline across many countries and states.
  • Period: to

    WW2 and Great Depression

  • Repealing of the 18th ammendment

    due to the widespread dislike of the amendment and a large increase in crime organizations and corruption. States and the national government would still tax alcohol however.
  • San Fransisco General Strike

    This strike is one of the largest in US history involving over 100,000 workers and was done to highlight the injustice and over working of waterfront workers. Led to increased labor rights, and union rights
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    the attack on Pearl Harbor brought the US into WW2, CA turned into a foundation of the US defense and would be the cause of the internment camps for Japanese Americans
  • Executive Order 9066

    This executive order led to the forced removal of all Japanese Americans, and for them to be moved into internment camps. Many of these people were from CA, and particularly Little Tokyo.
  • Zoot Suit Riots

    The zoot suit riots in LA, included violence and fights between cops, civilians, and Latinos. Highlighted and showed the civil rights infringements, racism, and discrimination in CA.
  • United Nations created

    The United Nations charter was signed in San Fransisco, and outlines and guides the US and California down a path of peace and prosperity.
  • Period: to

    Modern Era

  • 1959 Highway Act

    A national act that would allow people to travel all across the country and specifically CA much easier and quicker. Was also free as it was funded through tax money, is still in use, and is seen today through most of the freeways in CA
  • Fair Employment Practices Act

    this act prevented all unions and employers from discriminating against workers. Led to an increase in civil rights, workers rights, and unionization.
  • Donohoe Act

    Created a system in which anyone could go through a system and attend college. This system can still be seen today, even though it is not used anywhere near as much. Highlighted the importance of college in California and in jobs, led to an increase in higher education among CA citizens
  • State Water Project

    The goal of this project was to bring water to much of Southern California which includes over 20 dams and still operates today. shows the liberalism and progressivism that is a key identity of CA history and present.
  • Rumford Fair Housing Act

    This act has helped end racial discrimination in housing and attempted to prevent landlords and homeowners from selling to people of color. Again an increase in civil rights for people of color.
  • Prop 13

    This proposition protected homeowners, and their money and lowered taxes along with restricting future tax increases. the effects of this prop can still be seen today in the very high prices of houses and apartments in CA, as people are holding onto their homes as they cost almost nothing to keep.
  • LA summer olympics

    This event brought millions of people to California and specifically LA. Brought income, culture, ideas, and as a result the infrastructure and the way people and other countries viewed LA was changed.
  • LA riots

    These riots were the result of the beating of Rodney King by police and the acquittal of them. This event highlights the racism and police brutality that is in CA, very similar to George Floyd murder.
  • 2020 Covid 19 Pandemic

    this event caused a year-long shutdown for most people in CA and highlighted the importance of safety, the prevalence of racism and discrimination, and workers' rights and lack there of. also caused economic downfall and disparities for many in the state and country, due to and lack of migration and immigration.
  • George Floyd death and BLM movement

    the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police is very reminiscent of the beating of Rodney King. This time however the cop was convicted, but riots, protests and the BLM movement took place all over the country and especially in CA. Highlighted the racism and police brutality that is in CA up to this day.