Hector  la voz  lavoe

Hector Lavoe

  • The birth of Hector Lavoe

    The birth of Hector Lavoe
    Héctor Pérez Martínez was born in the Machuelo neighborhood of the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, in 1946.
  • Death of Lavoe's mother

    Death of Lavoe's mother
    When Hector was 3 years old, his mother died, a very difficult situation for him. He had sung this in the song "El dia de mi suerte"
  • Travel to New York

    Travel to New York
    Hector traveled to New York at the age of 17. He arrived at his sister's house. He hadn't asked his father's permission to travel to the United States
  • Disk recording "El Malo"

    Disk recording "El Malo"
    Hector Lavoe met Willie Colon in 1967. They had done the disk "El malo". The album is a tribute to the culture of the slums of the United States and Latin America.
  • Lavoe had his first child

    Lavoe had his first child
    Hector had met Carmen and They had a baby, his name is Jose Alberto Perez. During this time Hector was beginning his artistic career
  • Lavoe had his second child

    Lavoe had his second child
    Then Lavoe had met a women call "La Puchi" and they had a baby, his name is was Hector Perez, Jr, He was very important in the life of Lavoe
  • Separation from your friend Willie Colon

    Separation from your friend Willie Colon
    Willie Colón broke away from Hector upon learning of Lavoe's drug addiction. On more than one stage he left the audience in the lurch.
  • Presentation at the Coliseo Evangelista Mora in Cali

    Presentation at the Coliseo Evangelista Mora in Cali
    He had sung in the Coliseo Evangelista Mora in the city of Cali. Lavoe met Andres Caicedo, and They took some pictures. Months later, Caicedo killed himself with an overdose of barbiturates.
  • Death of Lavoe's son

    Death of Lavoe's son
    His son Hector had hit by a stray bullet. This was a great loss for Hector Lavoe
  • Diagnosed with AIDS

    Diagnosed with AIDS
    Hector Lavoe was diagnosed with AIDS in 1988. People who visited him in the hospital found him in a good mood.
  • Death of Hector Lavoe

    Death of Hector Lavoe
    Finally, Hector Lavoe died on June 29, 1993, in New York