haven's president timeline

  • birth

    Rutherford B Hayes was born in Delaware OH
  • graduated from Kenyon college

    graduated from Kenyon college
  • graduated from Harvard Law school

    graduated from Harvard Law school
    graduated with a L.L.B degree
  • moved to Cincinnati

    moved to Cincinnati
    he moved to practice law
  • Married

    Hayes married Lucy Ware Webb in Cincinnati with a simple ceremony.
  • first son born

    first son born
    Birchard Austin Hayes was born as their eldest son in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • second born son

    second born son
    Jame Webb cook hayes was born in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • third son born

    third son born
    Rutherford Platt Hayes was born in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • joined the union army

    joined the union army
    Hayes joined the us military and served for 4 years
  • fourth son born

    fourth son born
    Joseph Thompson Hayes was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • wounded 5 times in battle

    wounded 5 times in battle
    Hayes led charge in the battle at South Mountain and got wounded 5 times
  • fourth born son dead

    fourth born son dead
    Joseph Thomson Hayes's short life came to a end when he died from complications brought about by teething and dysentery.
  • fifth son born

    fifth son born
    George Crook Hayes was born in Chillicothe, Ohio
  • his horse died

    his horse died
    Battle of Cedar Creek Hayes horse died in battle and he was badly stunned
  • resigned from the Army

    resigned from the Army
  • fifth born son dead

    fifth born son dead
    George Crook Hayes died young from scarlet fever
  • first daughter born

    first daughter born
    Fanny Hayes was born in in Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, Ohio
  • governor of Ohio

    governor of Ohio
  • sixth born son

    sixth born son
    Scott Russell Hayes was born in Columbus, Ohio
  • seventh born son

    seventh born son
    Manning Force Hayes was born in Spiegel Grove
  • seventh born son dead

    seventh born son dead
    Manning Force Hayes lived barley a year after passing from a dysenteric disease. he died on his mothers birthday
  • no longer governor of Ohio

    no longer governor of Ohio
  • elected president

    elected president
    Hayes became the United States 19th president.
  • Silver wedding Anniversary

    Silver wedding Anniversary
    Hayes celebrated his silver wedding anniversary in the White house
  • Hayes vetos The Band-Allison act

    Hayes vetos The Band-Allison act
  • first Easter egg roll

    first Easter egg roll
    Hayes started a tradition by opening the white house grounds and haveing a eater egg rolling contest
  • resigned from presidency

    resigned from presidency
    Hayes stopped being the U.S. president
  • Birchard Austin Hayes dies

    Birchard Austin Hayes dies
  • wife dead

    wife dead
    Lucy Webb Hayes died from a stroke
  • death

    Rutherford B Hayes died in Fremont OH