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Hamilton life

  • Alexander Hamilton born

    Alexander Hamilton born
    Alexander Hamilton was born in Charlestown
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    It was a street fight between an American mob and a squad of British soldiers
  • Hamilton started to worked

    Hamilton started to worked as an apprentice at the Importadora Beekman and Cruger.
  • Hamilton’s studies

    Alexander Hamilton started his studies on the King´s College, New York
  • The Boston tea party

    It was a political and marcantile protest by the Sons of Liberty, they attacked a freighter with tea in Boston,
  • Hamilton joined in the army

    Hamilton joined in the army
    Hamilton was named captain of the artillery for the Assembly of New York
  • Declararían of Independece

    Declararían of Independece
    By issuing the Declaration of Independence (redacted by Thomas Jefersson) en, adopted by the Continental Congress, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain.
  • Batle of Princeton

    Batle of Princeton
    It was a battle of the America Revolutionary War in which Hamilton particpated and was when Washington noticed him and his potential. The victory was for the americans
  • Alexander was commander

    Alexander was commander
    Alexander was appointed as commander of the Battalion.
  • Alexander become father

    Alexander become father
    Elizabeth and Alexander had their first son.
  • Bank of New York

    Bank of New York
    Alexander founded the Bank of New York.
  • Hamilton had a duel and the die

    Alexander died on a duel with Aaron Burr.
  • Alexander get married

    Alexander get married
    Alexander married with Elizabeth Schuyler