hailey 27 constitutional amendments blablabla

  • Amenndment 1:Religious and Political Freedom

    Amenndment 1:Religious and Political Freedom
    Congress has no power over peoples religion. Everybody can freely exercise there religion. Congress cannot reduce freedom of speech.
  • Amendment 2: Right to Bear Arms

    Amendment 2: Right to Bear Arms
    Everybody has the right to keep guns. The right is not to be disobeyed.
  • Amendment 3: Quartering Troops

    Amendment 3: Quartering Troops
    No soldiers are allowed to stay in citezins houses. Unless, the owner lets the soldier. Not even in times, are they allowed to be quartered.
  • Amendment 4: Search and Seizure

    Amendment 4: Search and Seizure
    People of authority are not allowed to go into someones house and search it. But, if they have a search warrant it is OK. Noones belongings should be seized, unless with a warrant.
  • Amendment 5: Rights of Accused Persons

    Amendment 5: Rights of Accused Persons
    No one can be held to anwser forthe capitol, unless there is a grand jury, except cases involving militia,or naval forces.Everyone is treated equally. Cannot witness for himself.
  • Amendment 6: Right to a Speedy, Public Trial

    Amendment 6: Right to a Speedy, Public Trial
    For public trials, the accused person has the right to a fast, public trial. They also have to have a council on there side. A long procedure for finding witnesses in his favor must happen.
  • Amendment 7: Trial by Jury in Civil Cases

    Amendment 7: Trial by Jury in Civil Cases
    If someone steels something over twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury is preserved. They will be tried by a jury.
  • Amendment 8: Limits of Fines and Punishments

    Amendment 8: Limits of Fines and Punishments
    No cruel and unusual punishments can happen. Bail is not recquired.
  • Amendment 9: Rights of People

    Amendment 9: Rights of People
    Just because things aren't said in the constitution, doesnt mean people dont have the right.
  • Amendment 10: Powers of States and People

    Amendment 10: Powers of States and People
    The powers that aren't said in the constitution, are up to the state.
  • Amendment 11: Lawsuits Against States

    Amendment 11: Lawsuits Against States
    A citizen of the United states cannot sue the federal government or another state. A different state/country cannot sue the federal government.
  • Amendment 12: Election of Executives

    Amendment 12: Election of Executives
    Seperat ballots are used for vice president and president. The vice president must meet the same constitutional recquires as the president. The the greatest number of votes for each office will be elected if that number constitutes a majority of the total electors.
  • Amendment 13: Slavery Abolished

    Amendment 13: Slavery Abolished
    Slavery is not aloud in the United States except as a punishment for a crime. Congress has the power to enforce this amendment by apropriate legislation.
  • Amendment 14: Civil Rights

    Amendment 14: Civil Rights
    Everyone that was born in the United states is a citizen of the United States. No state can make a law that takes away a citizens life, liberty, or property without process of law. Representatives are elected according to states population.
  • Amendment 15: Right to Vote

    Amendment 15: Right to Vote
    The right for citizens aloud to vote cannot be ignored by state because of race, color, or prior position of servitude. Congress has power to enforce this power by appropriate legislation.
  • Amendment 16: Income Tax

    Amendment 16: Income Tax
    The congress has the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from any source. This is without the apportionment from the other states, and without regard to any census
  • Amendment 17: Direct Election of Senators

    Amendment 17: Direct Election of Senators
    The senate is made up of 2 senators from each state, elected by citizens for six years, and each counts for one vote. If a senator leaves before term is over, the governor will apoint someone new.
  • Amendment 18: Prohibition

    Amendment 18: Prohibition
    Outlaws the manufactors and sales of alcohal.
  • Amendment 19: Women Suffrage

    Amendment 19: Women Suffrage
    The right to vote cannot be denied based on sex. Congress can chamge this law for good reasons.
  • Amendment 20: "Lame Duck" Sessions

    Amendment 20: "Lame Duck" Sessions
    Sets new start dates for the terms of the president and congress. If a president dies, the vice-president is in charge.
  • Amendment 21: Repeal of Prohibition

    Amendment 21: Repeal of Prohibition
    Takes away the 18th amendment. Now alcohal is allowed.
  • Amendment 22: Limit on Presidential Terms

    Amendment 22: Limit on Presidential Terms
    Limit on number of times president is elected. Only 2 terms is allowed.
  • Amendment 23: Voting on District of Columbia

    Amendment 23: Voting on District of Columbia
    Grants the district of columbia 3 electors in presidential elections.
  • Amendment 24: Abolition of Poll Taxes

    Amendment 24: Abolition of Poll Taxes
    No tax is charged to vote for any office.
  • Amendment 25: Presidential Disability, Succesion

    Amendment 25: Presidential Disability, Succesion
    If a president can no longer do his duties, the vice president becomes president.
  • Amendment 26: 18-year-old-vote

    Amendment 26: 18-year-old-vote
    Anyone that is 18 or older is allowed to vote.
  • Amendment 27: Congressional Pay

    Amendment 27: Congressional Pay
    Any law that increases the pay of legislatures, may not take action until after the election.