
Greta Thumberg

  • Birth

    She born in Estocolmo.
  • Climate change

    Climate change
    She heard for the first time the theme of climate change.
  • Stop talking

    Stop talking
    At eleven years old, she stopped talking and eating and was finally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, 5 obsessive-compulsive disorder, 5 and selective mutism
  • Depression

    Greta battelled with depression for three or four years before start began of school strike.
  • Start of protests

    Start of protests
    When Greta starts protest, her parents didn't support she.
  • Svenska Dagbladet

    Svenska Dagbladet
    Greta Thunberg was one of the winners of the Svenska Dagbladet competition
  • Young exemplary of the year

    Young exemplary of the year
    The Fryshuset Scholarship was awarded to the Young Exemplary of the Year.
  • Time Magazine

    Time Magazine
    Time magazine included Greta Thunberg in the list of the 25 most influential teenagers in the world
  • School strike for the climate

    School strike for the climate
  • women of the year

    women of the year
    Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen ranked Thunberg as Sweden's Woman of the Year
  • Geddes Environment medal

    Geddes Environment medal
    The Royal Scottish Geographical Society awarded Thunberg the Geddes Environment medal
  • Normandy Freedom Prize

    Normandy Freedom Prize
    Received the Normandy Freedom Prize
  • Human Act Award 2020

    Human Act Award 2020
    Greta Thunberg received the Human Act Award 2020
  • Present
