Great Mathematicians

  • 350

    Hypatia is Born

    Taught elipses and parabolas
  • 370

    Hypatia dies

    killed by Christians
  • Pierre de Fermat is born

    Born in Beaumont de Lomage; founder of modern number theory
  • Pierre de Fermat dies

    Math was just a hobby
  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi is born

    Born in Milan; wrote Foundations of Analysis
  • Joseph Louis LaGrange is born

    Born in Italy, but was a French Mathematician.
  • Mary Somerville is born

    Born in burntisland, Scotland. Was not allowed to study because she was a girl; she studied in secret
  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi dies

    Spent most of her life dedicated to the poor and elderly
  • Joseph Louis LaGrange dies

    Youngest of 11 kids
  • Mary Somerville dies

    Died in Italy; made Pick's Formula (A=1/2*B+C-1) easier to understand.