Great Depression/WWII

  • Black Tuesday- The Stock Market Crashes (economical)

    Black Tuesday- The Stock Market Crashes (economical)
    On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed in the United States. On this date, sixteen million stocks were sold and in just four days the economy dropped a whopping 25%. Since the market crashed, this was the signal that the Great Depression would start. This event is economical because it involves the economy of the United States (Wall Street). The economy went down, which resulted in the loss of jobs and high unimployment rates.
  • FDR's Inauguration Speech (Political/Social)

    FDR's Inauguration Speech (Political/Social)
    In his inauguration speech, FDR stated, "“let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He wanted to raise the hopes of the people because they were already deep in the Great Depression. Eventually, the next day he called a four day bank holiday that would stop people from withdrawing money from unstable banks. This is a political event and social event because it's a speech that affect the people and gave them hope for a better future.
  • The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 (Political)

    The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 (Political)
    The Nuremberg Laws were first created by Hitler in his attempt to stop the intermingling of Aryans and non-Aryans. He made it illegal for a Jew to marry or have sexual intercourse with anyone German or Aryan. The Nuremberg Laws were originally known as The Reich Citizenship Law and the Law to Protect German Blood and Honor. This is a political event because it was passed by the chancellor in an attempt to "improve" the nation.
  • Neutrality Act (Political)

    Neutrality Act (Political)
    This was an act passed in October of 1935. It prohibited the United States from selling or shipping any military or ammunition to countries at war. This allowed the United States to stay neutral and isolated for a little. This is a political event because it allowed the United States to stay neutral and it was an act passed.
  • Lebensborn Program (Political)

    Lebensborn Program (Political)
    On the 12th of December in 1935, SS officer Himler created the Lebensborn Program. With this program, any female who was suitable to be Aryan would concieve a child with an SS officer to carry the line of Aryan ancestory along. This is a political event because it's a program that was used to benefit the Aryan race. These women, maybe out of their own will or by force, were made to conceive children. This would benefit the Germans and Hitler, but not the minorities.
  • Night of the Broken Glass (Social)

    Night of the Broken Glass (Social)
    This night, known as Kristallnacht, occured November 9, 1938. The Nazis vandalized Jewish homes, synagogues, and businesses, all because they were not Aryan. Eventually 30,000 men were arrested and 10,000 went to the concentration camp: Dachau. This event is social because it marked the beginning of Jews being deported to camps and the abuse of them. This will forever be remembered and is social because it has negative effects oon the Jewish population and was a turning point in history.
  • First Success Helicopter is Created (Technological)

    First Success Helicopter is Created (Technological)
    In 1939, Igor Sikorsky invented the first successful helicoptor that could fly. His helicoptors could fly forward, backword, side to side up, and down. He constructed the first military helicoptor called XR-4. This is a technological event because it's the application of new ideas. These helicoptors served many purposes and were new advances.
  • Creation of the Atomic Bomb (Technological)

    Creation of the Atomic Bomb (Technological)
    The creation of the Atomic bomb started when Einstein intoduced the Manhattan project. He feared the Germany would create an atomic bomb, so he wanted to counteract that event. Eventually, Germany did not and the project continued on (spending over 2 billion dollars). The bomb would later be used in the dropping of the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. This is a technological event because it's the advancment of science and ideas.
  • Lend- Lease bill (Political)

    Lend- Lease bill (Political)
    On this date in history, FDR signed the Lend- Lease bill. This bill allowed the United States to supply Great Britain and the Soviet Union with military supplies and support. The United States spent over 50 billion dollars worth in supplies. This is a political event because it's a bill signed by the president. It's goal was to benefit other countries, while improving oneself.
  • Armistice of Saint Jean d'Acre (Political)

    Armistice of Saint Jean d'Acre (Political)
    This armistice was signed between Allied forces in the Middle East that were controlled by General Wilson and forces Vichy Francce forces in Lebanon and Syria controlled by General Dentz. Since Dentz lost control of the Northern Desert, he signed over Syria and Lebanon on July 14, 1941. This event is political because it's an armistice (agreement) signed by leaders of countries to resolve an issue.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor (military)

    Attack on Pearl Harbor (military)
    On December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a suprise attack on the United States in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack started around 8 a.m. and lasted for two hours. At the end, two hundred American planes, eight battleships, and 2,000 soldiers were killed/destroyed. That day FDR declared war on Japan. This is a military even because it's a battle fought between two countries in the hopes of benefitting. (Military)
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
    This battle that occured May 7, 1942, was fought between America and Japan. America stopped Japan from advancing and taking Australia, as well as Port Moresby. This relieved Australia because Japan was planning to take over the Pacific. This is a military event because it's a battle fought between two countries.
  • Surrender of the German troops at Stalingrad (Social)

    Surrender of the German troops at Stalingrad (Social)
    On this date in history, German troops had to surrender at Stalingrad, Soviet Russia. They tried to invade Stalingrad because it was a major industrialization center. Eventually the troops were stopped and forced to return back. Over 300,000 Germans died. This is social because it affect the German troops, since 300,000 of them died.
  • Tehran Conference (Social)

    Tehran Conference (Social)
    On November 28, 1943, Stalin, FDR, and Churchill met to discuss the future of the war. At this meeting, the U.S.A decided that it would be correct to go on with Operation Overlord (D-day). The major goal of this meeting was to agree to a partition of postwar Germany until denazification could take place. This event is social because it would affect the people of Germany if they became denazified. Also the German would be affected with D-Day.
  • D-Day Invasion (military)

    D-Day Invasion (military)
    D-Day or Operation Overlord was the landing of Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy, France. The United States, led by Eisenhoward, along with other Allied Powers help step in on the 50 mile long coastline around 6:30 a.m. and defeat German soldiers. This marked the "beginning of the end of the war." This is a miltary event because it is a battle that changed history and marked the start to the end of WWII.
  • Nuremberg Trials (Social/ Political)

    Nuremberg Trials (Social/ Political)
    Between the years of 1945 and 1949, Nuremberg Trials were held for wartime criminals. Twenty three criminals were brought in and trialed for the genocide and mass murder they contributed to. Hitler was suppose to be among them, making 24, but he already commited suicide. There were a series of thirteen trials that were held in Germany. This is a social/political event because it involves trials but those helped bring justice to the races affected.
  • Auschwitz is liberated (social)

    Auschwitz is liberated (social)
    On January 27, 1945, Soviet forces approached Auschwitz and liberated it. Early before the liberation, SS officers forced the prisoners on what are known as, "Death Marches." These prisoners would run, march, and walk in the cold for hours on end. Many would not make it back. After the camp was liberated only 200,000 prisoners would survive out of 1.3 million. This event is social because it affects the prisoners. The liberation allowed them to start a new life and be free of Nazi regulations.
  • Hitler commits suicide (Social)

    Hitler commits suicide (Social)
    On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun commit suicide. They did this by swallowing cyanide pills. Interest fact was that Adolf and Eva were only married for 40 hours at the time of their death. This event is social because it affected the people of Germany. This meant Nazi rule was officially over and so was suffering.
  • Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima (Social)

    Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima (Social)
    On this date in history, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Immediate effects of the bomb were getting burned to death, melting, and being killed instantly. The bomb melted buildings, the wind destroyed the town, and the radiation caused cancer and kill hundreds. From the hypocenter, anyone within 500 meters was killed instantly. This event is social because it affects the Japanese population. It caused illness to many and killed hundreds almost automatically.
  • Iron Curtain Speech (Political)

    Iron Curtain Speech (Political)
    The Iron Curtain Speech was given the fifth of March 1946, in Fulton, Missouri. This speech was used as a metaphor to describe the division between the west and the Soviet Union. This is a political event because it's used ta famous speech that was used as a way to communicate information.