Great Depression and World War Two

  • Black Tuesday

    On October 29, 1929 the Stock Market crashes. Stocke prices plummet and at least 30 billion dollars were lost by mid-November. This was one of the biggest underlying causes of WWII. ECONOMIC
  • Unemployment Rates

    Due to the stock market crash and lose of money, the US employment rate rose ridicoulously. By March, more than 3.2 million people were unemployed in the United States. SOCIAL
  • R.F.C

    The US Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. This corp. was to lend $2,000,000,000 to banks, insurance companies, and etc in need of reconstruction. ECONOMIC
  • Roosevelt Elected

    On November 8th, 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) defeated President Herbet Hoover (Republican) in a landslide to win presidency. POLITICAL
  • New Leader

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. POLITICAL
  • Neutrality Act

    President FDR signs the 1937 Neutrality Act. This banned travelbelligerent ships, also forbid the arming of American merchant ships trading with belligerents. POLITICAL/SOCIAL
  • Rape of Nanjing

    On December 13, 1937 Japanese troops captured Nanjig for 6 weeks. Those six weeks involved carnage, slaughter, widespread of rape, and indiscriminate killings. MILITARY
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact is a settlement permitting Nazi Germany annexation of portions of Czhechoslovakia. New territonial designation "Sutenland" was coined. POLITICAL
  • Kristallnacht

    During the German Kristallnacht, t,500 Jewish businesses are destroyed, 191 synagogues are set afire, nearly 100 Jews are killed, and tens of thousands are sent to concentration camps. MILITARY
  • Man of the Year

    Time magazine prints its 1938 Man of the Year edition, choosing Adolf Hitler for the title. He doesn't show the Nazi leader face on the cover of the publication. SOCIAL
  • Start of World War Two

    On the 1 of September Germany attacked Poland. Two days later Britain and France declared war on Germany, starting WWII. MILITARY
  • Battle of Britain

    The battle of Britan really lasted from the summer of 1940 to the fall of 1940. The R.A.F put up a fight and Hitler called off invasion of Britain. MILITARY
  • Stalingrad

    Four million troops poured over the Russian border. Within a month over 2.5 million Russians had been killed. MILITARY
  • The Tehran Conference

    The Tehran Confernce was from November 28 to December 1 1943. Here Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winstin Churchill, and Joseph Stalin met to coordinate strategies against Germany and Japan. POLITICAL
  • D-Day

    General Dwight Eisenhower led US troops to invade Normandy, France. They were aware of being attacked but did not know what location it would occur at. MILITARY
  • FDR Dies

    APril 12, 1945, around 1 PM he complained about terrible pain in the back of his head and collapse unconsious. Franklin D Roosevelt passed away after serving four terms in office. SOCIAL
  • Hitler comitts suicide

    Under his headquaters Hitler comitted suicide by taking a Cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head. Along him, Hitler's wife, Eva Braun also comitted suicide. SOCIAL
  • Nuclear Bombs

    On August 6, 1945, the first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. First nuclear weapon, and it was 10,000 times hotter than the sun's surface killing millions of people. TECHNOLOGY
  • Bombing Starts

    American planes drop a nuclear bomb on not only Hiroshima, but also Nagasaki. These two bombs were the first nuclear weapons used as an attack and opened new thraets even today. MILITARY
  • World War II Ends

    A formal surrender ceremony is conducted in Tokyo Bay on the US battleship Missouri. WWII officially ends. MILITARY